
has anyone tried insanity...would you say ti worked...and any before and after pictures??

I just bought the program so 3-5 days I should get it but I was hoping I made a right choice!


  • sherryjeansonne
    sherryjeansonne Posts: 5 Member
    Ive done it twice! It's very hard to stick to it 6 days a week which was my biggest problem. I didn't lose any weight but I was much stronger and could run much longer than before. It's a killer workout!
  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    Does it have extra equipment that you need to do it? I bought P90X, just the DVD's from a Facebook site and it needs a few pieces of equipment to do it right. Haven't tried it yet.
  • sherryjeansonne
    sherryjeansonne Posts: 5 Member
    no extra equipment required!!! That's the best part! You use your body weight for everything.
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    Insanity works, you must eat right and drink lots of H2o! Doing the 60 days and changing your bad habits will show results. there is no equipment needed, everything done is using your own body weight for resistance. Good program, although I've never completed it.
  • I tried but to be honest it's a gimmick.... You can do similar stuff for free. Basically cut your calories up your protein hit the weights, do 30-40 mins of high intensity cardio 6x a week and of ourse it will work. People forget that just because they slap on a DVD doesn't mean you'll get the body of a god, cutting body fat is largely diet related.