Pregnancy weight

Hi! I’m pregnant in my second trimester (24 weeks) and starting to worry about too much weight gain. Any one else in the same boat? Looking for some other moms for motivation and accountability.


  • cmcostello23
    cmcostello23 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! Yes, I will be 24 weeks this Thursday. I started off 55lbs overweight and I lost 16lbs just in the first trimester due to nausea. Now I am struggling because I really do not want to gain weight because I'm considered obese. Plus, after the pregnancy I would like to continue my weight loss journey to my goal weight of 150lbs. Its difficult because the end of pregnancy is typically when the weight gain comes on. Im just trying to get my workouts in (walking 60 min, weight workout 15 min x 3-4 times week) and eating a balanced diet. What are your weight goals while pregnant?
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I gained during pregnancy, my DS is almost 7 months old and I'm trying to lose 25lbs. Don't stress too much about weight gain, you're growing a human being! Do your best, that's all you can do.
  • hlr1987
    hlr1987 Posts: 151 Member
    It wasn't the pregnancy I had trouble with, because I was still active and carrying around the extra baby weight. I gained weight rapidly after the baby because I didn't watch what I ate while breastfeeding and sitting down for hours. I think if you're already an active person, there can be quite a difference in the calories you aren't burning anymore after the baby. My advice from me failing miserably to keep my weight down would be to not "diet" but try and get into good habits for counting calories and eating healthy food up to maintenance amounts. Hormones and lack of sleep make it very hard post baby to not just want junk all the time!
  • Lorie7685
    Lorie7685 Posts: 1 Member
    My youngest is 8 mos. I gained more weight breast feeding, than I did during pregnancy. Still nursing, but hoping to start losing some weight