Does IF really cause gallbladder problems?



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Hi Yirara, I'd posed the question to give you pause for thought, So sorry you are way past needing to think, you have done way more than that. You know the outcomes but have not had the support to counteract it all. If you were in the UK I would strongly suggest finding a BANT Nutritionist, they follow a functional approach and mine provides blood tests. Do you have access to functional medicine? Finance is often a bar to alternative options.

    From my experience. Returning to my thyroid condition which played Havok with my digestion. My continued malabsorption of vitamins and minerals created a problem in my making digestive enzymes. I too had to exclude foods which then increases the deficiencies which continue to build, causing more damage.

    I found HCI and Pepsin helpful. When taken at each meal it helps to restore the acid status of the gut, this then aids digestion. Having a low digestive acid level favours the least helpful microbes in our microbiome. I would wish you the ability to consult a Functional practitioner gut health is so complicated for those of us who have veered so far from the expected "normal" or should I say, "usual" within modern western medicine.

    Using digestive microbe products designed to replace microbes most frequently lost when you have used antibiotics and other medications, there is a list of problematic medications. In my case my antibiotic use was many, many years before. Following my own list of exclusions I was able to survive but this did not do anything to help my microbiome. Using the first pack I felt a real benefit. It took me a long time to find them because some readily available brands include microbes which increase Histamine Levels which add to issues of histamine intolerance. I took them continuously using other combinations for a good year and now as and when I think it is a good idea. I will never use antibiotics again unless I'm at deaths door and nothing else will help me. I pass the kids, grand kids packs because the ones I use can be take by all ages, the gt grand kids would have the baby form.
    I was also advised eliminated added all added sugar, alcohol, I'd done that any way because of salicylate, bread and mushrooms which can provide some least helpful microbes. For a month all fruit was to be eliminated particularly grapes but those were covered by salicylate anyway for me. Sugar directly feeds the candida spectrum of least helpful microbes. You can find information on this too on line

    I've relied on digestive enzymes. There are brands available in Health food stores over here. Some are single enzymes others are combinations. The one I finally used was initially designed for youngsters on the spectrum because they also have troubles with salicylate, which for me wiped out most fruits and veg. There are enzymes which aid the digestion of eggs and dairy coming in versions to deal with either or both the lactose-milk sugar and casein-milk protein. You may find using something which addresses the digestion of fat and protein could be a real help.

    I've tried to paint an outline of things which could help in this and my earlier post. At a distance, as someone who had followed instructions and read round and round the subject its all well intentioned speculation. Possibly you could look up leaky gut for yourself. This is often frowned on, seen as impossible to happen, I find it difficult as a term, not really scientific. Yet it describes the end result where someone's digestive tract is damaged because something eaten or a combination loosens the joints in the tract which enables partially digested molecules eventually enter the blood supply. When the gut is well functioning this never happens.

    Magnesium, NAC, zinc, vitamin b12 either sublingual or with the digestive enzyme can help with low energy. Nac is key to making glutathione which is part of the sulphur elimination system and is essential for energy.

    If you have no other option please look to the work of Functional Practitioners who, endeavour to get to the base of what is going on should I say, going wrong then prefer to correct the problem where possible rejecting medical sticking plasters. Many have a strong on line presence as well as offering consultations in their own areas of, usually the US. Please, research their qualifications. Also do not take what I have written as gospel, please do your own research and verify everything.

    I'm deeply sorry you are in such a compromised position. I hope my posts will give you some options helping you towards a more comfortable life. All the very best.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    n=1 and all that, but I don't have a gallbladder and IF/OMAD has been the best for my post-surgical GI issues. I'm not one of the lucky ones to have no complications post-gallbladder removal and so giving my system an opportunity to rest longer between meals has been literally life changing for me. Also, I follow a Keto Diet and with my system only having to digest one meal a day, it does so without issues and I don't I actually don't have the problems with high fat that many people get post cholecystectomy, so, silver lining? :)