Looking for Autoimmune Dieters

Hey all. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am hoping to find others dealing with autoimmune disease to share what is working and what is not. My story : diagnosed a year ago and have been fighting it without RA meds. I take supplements and follow AIP (most the time). I recently have added LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone )I have good days and not so good but I am not going to let this defeat me. My mission is not weight loss, though I would like to lose a couple pounds. What I need most is to build muscle.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    The real damage occurs with uncontrolled RA. Diet alone did not help me. I have the occasional flare-up but not like I did when trying to find the right medication and dosage. I have had RA for 20 years + now and have limited use of my fingers and wrists making everyday tasks like scrubbing and cleaning difficult. Find a good doctor to help you because there is no known cure. To add, the drugs out there are so much better than 20 years ago. Hugs, Skippy.
  • egill0607
    egill0607 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - I am going to try out AIP and stay very low carb (I also have LADA -- type 1.5 diabetes) and have been told by my functional medicine doctor to not totally eliminate carbs but stick to a half portion a day no later than lunch. I'm going to use the blog here to record how I'm feeling every day according to how I eat to see if I can pinpoint some triggers. Feel free to message me on facebook if you're on there - Liz Bretz Gill.
  • ATP0602
    ATP0602 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I have Lupus (diagnosed 2012) w/history of other autoimmunity. In remission and stable with medication. As you can imagine, weight management can be difficult with the fatigue and joint flares and increased appetite from the steroids. I’ve been managing weight with diet but I’m starting low carb (more strictly) because I’m very low activity. It’s working out so far.

    When I younger and wanted to work out, I was on more NSAIDs and an alliteration inhaler when I was weight lifting; but I wasn’t able to keep that up. Yoga was also a good option, but you have to be careful with your range of motion. Rheumatology recommended work outs in water/pool for me. I can’t swim but my brother is a swimmer and he said that resistance training in the pool is also effective for people with limitations in their joints.

    I’m female and not really aiming for muscle building specifically anymore. But if you’re willing to take the muscle building/conditioning very slowly with RA, start in the living room and the pool if it’s accessible. Good Luck!