Nervous and Excited!

I am nervous because I was on this site as lockmand (Donna155), and I just sort of quit coming in because it seemed to take too much time at the computer. I rejoined as cinrueshershae partially because I was ashamed to admit who I was, and partially because I wanted to start fresh on my reports and not look back. This is the only way I knew to do it. I hope I have not violated some rule by doing this.
I started my goal to become healthy, feel fit, and not have to feel embarrassed by shopping by myself. I shopped alone because all my friends went to regular stores and I had to seek out the Plus stores and departments. I was so depressed that I did not want to get out, socialize, or anything...I did not want to tell doctor that I was so down, because I did not want to be put on medication for it. Someone was talking about walking being a mood lifter on TV one day and I heard the words. They seem to be speaking to me.
I began by walking. I read that it was the best exercise one could do if they were living a sedentary lifestyle. I walked one mile on a local cemented "rail trail", which follows what used to be a rail track through our town.I walked daily, alone at first. Later invited a friend. The full trail up and back is supposed to be 5 miles. On my heart monitor it never reads more than 4.50. I walked that every day in good weather. Bad weather took me inside a gym at a local park (free) and I walked laps until I reached my 4 miles. My walking buddy was not regular, and finally just stopped meeting me. I tried a couple other buddies but no one was as determined as I was. My down mood had gone and I did not want to go back to that depressed state.

Then I got bored and went to The Rock Fitness Gym and joined. I attended Silver Sneakers for folks my age (70yrs). I was called back to do an interim in the class room and had to miss Silver Sneakers because it was in the mornings. I began to venture into the gym in the afternoons. Found a Pilates class that I could handle. Then added a stationary bike ride for 60 min. This was 2hr a day that I had worked up to! Wow! I did Pilates and I rode the bike (built up to riding 15 to 16 miles in 60 min). I love it! Play music on my cell and use earphones while riding, and ride to the 50's songs that I danced to when I was a teenager! LOL...

Meantime, I gave up wheat, sodas and cut back on sugars and salt. I found MFP and joined. I began to log my food and exercise. What an eye opener that was! Before I knew it, I had lost 36 lbs and that put me at an even 200 lbs! I set a goal of 155 because that is healthy for my age and height and weight. I continued but often hit plateaus. I sort of fell out of MYP because of my half year teaching, gardening and other obligations (continued the gym). To break a plateau, I decided to come back here. I was ashamed to go in as my old self!

So, here I am as cinrueshershae! I have lost 4 lbs since I came back, and started logging in food here! I am 175 now! Twenty lbs from my initial goal! Thank you MFP for being here for me; for us! I just know that I will make it now, and that I will find the perfect maintenance plan, Yes I will! I am willing to share and help anyone here. Just add me and we will talk and share.

A bit about my cinrueshershae name. I have 4 children, Cindy, Ruthie, Sherrie, and Shane, so I used the first three or so letters from each of their names to form me one. They and my 5 grandchildren (6 counting ones wife!) are the main motivators of my getting healthy, fit, and happy challenge.
Thanks for reading this, Thanks for being here for me.
cinrueshershae (lockmand-donna155)