Back at it for good this time 💪

Hey y'all, I'm Mel! I'm 24 and I'm back at this again 😂

I'll start with the basics : I'm 5'2", I started my health journey at 282.2 lbs (I'm currently 273.1 lbs).

I say health journey because after having several doctors visits, I decided I need to live a healthier life style first and foremost, with weight loss being a secondary goal. When I first went to the doctor, not only was I highly discourage by my extra weight, but I was also having several health issues such as acid reflux and nausea, slightly elevated blood sugar levels, an EXTREME vitamin D deficiency, very elevated cholesterol levels, and chronic dehydration.

I just graduated college in May 2018 and I will admit, in my 5 years of university I did not take care of myself well and I ended up gaining 60 lbs during this time.

I originally joined MFP 4 years ago but soon abandoned it after two months, since then I've had the same pattern of trying and giving up over and over. NOT ANY MORE!!!

I'm back at it for good this time 💪 my first goal is to become healthier, kick bad habits, and lower my cholesterol. My second goal is to lose at least 80 lbs.

I've already lost 10 lbs in the past two months just by making baby steps/small changes. Now I'm ready to get more serious with My Fitness Pal!


  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Congrats on your accomplishments and new outlook. Seems like you have some great goals! There are plenty of great, supportive people on here to help out if/when you need it. Good luck!