Office Jobs and Weight Loss

AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
So this goes without saying: anyone here working a 9 to 5 office job and maintaining and losing weight?

What's your fitness like in and outside the office?

How do you stop cravings for the free yummy food and desserts?

Let me know!


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited June 2019
    i work full time office hours monday-friday. My most recent weight loss is 53lbs (i've lost 100lbs in the past with the same routine).

    Currently i don't do much purposeful exercise outside walking due to injuries. Since August so coming up on a year now. I walk an average of 17,000ish steps a day.

    It's all about calories in calories out.

    I keep foods in my day to day diet that curb most cravings. i eat chocolate 2x a day (most days) - so dessert with lunch and dinner. I eat meals i enjoy and look forward too. For me i'll all about volume so i ensure to have lots of "fillers". I even fit home made pizza i like into my weekly diet.

    When I do get random cravings (ex: fish and chips) I'll plan for it and go and indulge. I'll cut some snacks that day and likely eat maintenance to fit it in but so what. it luckily doesn't happen often. Some cravings i can actualy fit in to my normal calories. others i make it work in my maintenance (or what I assume will be maintenance).
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I work 9-5, and am actually the one bringing in treats to the office for everyone (cookies, cupcakes, muffins, ect...). I also keep a drawer of snacks in my desk because I eat every coupke hours. My lunch is normally around 300 cal because I know I like the snacks. I will skip or cut down on the snacks if I know we are doing a group lunch that day.

    On the flip side of this to make up for the desk job in terms of activity, I do cross fit 5x a week, run 2-4x a week, some other type of cardio 1-3x a week, and walk my dogs for 20-30+ min everyday. Since I am in maintenance/working recomp this gives me 2400-2700 during the week and usually around 2100 on the weekend when I am not as active.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited June 2019
    ksavy wrote: »
    I work 9-5, and am actually the one bringing in treats to the office for everyone (cookies, cupcakes, muffins, ect...). I also keep a drawer of snacks in my desk because I eat every coupke hours. My lunch is normally around 300 cal because I know I like the snacks. I will skip or cut down on the snacks if I know we are doing a group lunch that day.

    me too! i am the one bringing in baked goods for others.

    i am pretty picky so this helps me not eat ehat others bring in. i pre-log most days in the morning and have my treats accounted for. so i balance if i want my stuff or a bite of random office treats (which are usually not great anyway)

    ditto on having my planned snacks and some back ups at work. and eating more often.
  • chelny
    chelny Posts: 179 Member
    I work in a small office (a nonprofit), and I am currently in the process of losing weight. One change I made is that I am eating low carb, which has helped me immensely. I pack a lunch that is protein based. Since I've started eating differently, I really don't have cravings or the afternoon crash where I used to reach for a snack. I think there are still snacks in one desk drawer, but thus far I have been able to stick to what I bring for lunch.

    Unfortunately, we started these once a month lunches that are designed to get to know our volunteers a little better. The idea is for the staff to pitch in for a lunch that everyone partakes in. This has been difficult, because it was originally pizza. Since everyone has noticed my weight loss, I stated that I'd rather not have pizza, it doesn't fit my plan. I figured I could just eat my own lunch. But instead, it turned into salad for lunch. I brought the salad, another employee brought grilled chicken, and someone brought a dessert. So, I guess that's kind of better for everyone, but it was driving me crazy debating about how to handle these lunches before I finally spoke up. I'd rather not have the lunches at all (we are all introverts, and it's therefore stressful for everyone), but I understand the positives for the organization and the volunteers.

    I think one of the main things that has helped my weightloss is the tracking in MFP, staying accountable in that way. So, it doesn't really matter whether I'm at work or at home. I record everything.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Weight loss happens when you are consistently in a calorie deficit, and if you're following MFP's calorie goal, then you eat back exercise calories and don't use exercise to create a larger deficit. However, if you do want to exercise, then you need to figure out whether you'd prefer to do it early in the morning before work, after work, or on your break.

    Pre-log your food. Keep snacks in your desk/bag in case you forget your lunch so you aren't tempted to go out and get something you didn't plan for. I always have Quest bars in my desk and in my backpack. I also drink a lot of tea instead of snacking.

    Just because food is present does not mean you have to eat it. A lot of snacks that are brought into offices aren't special. If I can get something easily at the grocery store or local bakery, then I can have it anytime I want it and don't need to eat it just because it's here now.

    On the other hand, if it's something that is obviously special and I want to eat it, then I'll eat it and fit it into my calories. I may eat half a piece of whatever the thing is, and there's usually someone else who will eat the other half. You don't need to stop eating the desserts if you want them; you just need to make them fit your calories. If it's not worth using the calories on it, then it's not worth eating.

    I like to bake, and I also have a small group of students I advise who will happily eat cookies, so when I bake I will eat a cookie or two and then share the rest. Some students take half a dozen cookies home with them, and others don't want any cookies. This way I get to bake and enjoy a little of it, and the students who want cookies are thrilled.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Yes. There is no reason that an office job is incompatible with weight loss. I do heavy exercise 4-6 days a week outside of the office, and that does help me, but it's not required. Weight loss is all about a calorie deficit. Most offices have a refrigerator and microwave. Take advantage of it and precook lunches for yourself over the weekend to heat up during the week.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited June 2019
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    So this goes without saying: anyone here working a 9 to 5 office job and maintaining and losing weight?

    What's your fitness like in and outside the office?

    How do you stop cravings for the free yummy food and desserts?

    Let me know!

    I lost weight quite easily while working a 9-5 job.

    I walk as part of my commute. I walk/run at lunch. I work in a 10-storey building so I climb stairs. I was up to 40 flights a day at one point. Right now I'm doing about 14 flights but working on increasing it again. I also exercise in the evenings: walking, running, cycling, rowing.

    The free yummy food and desserts aren't mine so I don't eat them. Also who knows where it has been and who has touched it. The "bubonic plague" runs rampant in our office each winter so I'm not going to eat something that may have been touched by someone who is a carrier.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I sit for a living, somebody has got to do this hazardous work. I drink a wonderful cup of coffee in the morning with no added cream or sugar, drink plenty of water and practice IF with a feeding window generally beginning after work.

    Maintaining my ideal weight is more important than any food temptation so I face no struggle. I realize everyone is different and am grateful for my current discipline.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Yep. I sit my butt at a desk from 8am to 4:30pm.

    I have yummy snacks of my own so I don't indulge in office cake, though I still eat the occasional donut if it fits in my calorie goals.

    I play video games for exercise. Fun is the only way I can get exercise, working out for the sake of working out is not sustainable for me.

    Anyways I've dropped nearly 30 pounds so it's working.
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Yep. I sit my butt at a desk from 8am to 4:30pm.

    I have yummy snacks of my own so I don't indulge in office cake, though I still eat the occasional donut if it fits in my calorie goals.

    I play video games for exercise. Fun is the only way I can get exercise, working out for the sake of working out is not sustainable for me.

    Anyways I've dropped nearly 30 pounds so it's working.

    I also play video games too and I'm trying to drop 30 pounds too! And congrats on your weight loss!! :)
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    So this goes without saying: anyone here working a 9 to 5 office job and maintaining and losing weight?

    What's your fitness like in and outside the office?

    How do you stop cravings for the free yummy food and desserts?

    Let me know!

    I lost weight quite easily while working a 9-5 job.

    I walk as part of my commute. I walk/run at lunch. I work in a 10-storey building so I climb stairs. I was up to 40 flights a day at one point. Right now I'm doing about 14 flights but working on increasing it again. I also exercise in the evenings: walking, running, cycling, rowing.

    The free yummy food and desserts aren't mine so I don't eat them. Also who knows where it has been and who has touched it. The "bubonic plague" runs rampant in our office each winter so I'm not going to eat something that may have been touched by someone who is a carrier.

    I need to start using the stairs to walk up 10 floors as well.
  • DarkTwain
    DarkTwain Posts: 130 Member
    I work a 9-5, I do IF as well. I eat breakfast, lunch, snack at work. Then go to the gym after. When I'm home, its just water until bed. If I feel really hungry I wont starve myself but most days I'm able to stick to the plan.
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    chelny wrote: »
    I work in a small office (a nonprofit), and I am currently in the process of losing weight. One change I made is that I am eating low carb, which has helped me immensely. I pack a lunch that is protein based. Since I've started eating differently, I really don't have cravings or the afternoon crash where I used to reach for a snack. I think there are still snacks in one desk drawer, but thus far I have been able to stick to what I bring for lunch.

    Unfortunately, we started these once a month lunches that are designed to get to know our volunteers a little better. The idea is for the staff to pitch in for a lunch that everyone partakes in. This has been difficult, because it was originally pizza. Since everyone has noticed my weight loss, I stated that I'd rather not have pizza, it doesn't fit my plan. I figured I could just eat my own lunch. But instead, it turned into salad for lunch. I brought the salad, another employee brought grilled chicken, and someone brought a dessert. So, I guess that's kind of better for everyone, but it was driving me crazy debating about how to handle these lunches before I finally spoke up. I'd rather not have the lunches at all (we are all introverts, and it's therefore stressful for everyone), but I understand the positives for the organization and the volunteers.

    I think one of the main things that has helped my weightloss is the tracking in MFP, staying accountable in that way. So, it doesn't really matter whether I'm at work or at home. I record everything.

    I am also doing low carb and more protein but I recently found out too much protein can make you gain weight and I did not know that :/

    Too much protein will only make you gain weight if it puts you in a calorie surplus.

    Ahhh true. I should cut back on the eggs and meat then and stick to fish mostly.
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    DarkTwain wrote: »
    I work a 9-5, I do IF as well. I eat breakfast, lunch, snack at work. Then go to the gym after. When I'm home, its just water until bed. If I feel really hungry I wont starve myself but most days I'm able to stick to the plan.

    Haha I do the same too! I make sure to have breakfast and lunch and after work it's the gym 3x a week. And after I usually end up falling asleep so no dinner or a natural blended mixed berry fruit smoothie and a cup of apple cider vinegar in water. I'm trying to eat smaller dinners.
  • chelny
    chelny Posts: 179 Member
    AquaMeow wrote: »

    I am also doing low carb and more protein but I recently found out too much protein can make you gain weight and I did not know that :/

    I don't think too much protein will make you gain weight. You need to look at the total amount of calories you're eating. If it's too many calories, and you're gaining when you want to be losing, then you need to decide where to cut calories. I keep the amount of carbs I'm eating to a minimum because of blood sugar problems. Then I eat protein & fats for the rest of my daily calories. It is working for me. The main thing that has helped me to lose is tracking all of the calories.

  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    chelny wrote: »
    AquaMeow wrote: »

    I am also doing low carb and more protein but I recently found out too much protein can make you gain weight and I did not know that :/

    I don't think too much protein will make you gain weight. You need to look at the total amount of calories you're eating. If it's too many calories, and you're gaining when you want to be losing, then you need to decide where to cut calories. I keep the amount of carbs I'm eating to a minimum because of blood sugar problems. Then I eat protein & fats for the rest of my daily calories. It is working for me. The main thing that has helped me to lose is tracking all of the calories.

    You're right. More calories out and low calories in for weight loss!
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    I work full time at a desk, too, but at home. If I'm busy, snacking is not an issue, but if I have down time, man it's another story. I walk or hike most days after work, and work around the garden. There's a gym going in about a half-mile from here, opening in the fall, so I'm planning on joining. So far, I'm down almost 70 pounds, but hoping to lose another 5 or so.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    Desk job here too. I'm planning on walking to work, taking the stairs up to my floor and going to the gym after work. I find it easy to avoid the office snacks if I have already pre-planned my food for that day.