
I need some major motivation and support!!! I have been eating and exercising extremely
Well now for about three weeks.. I log every calorie I eat and have been working out at least 4 times a week... usually the treadmill on an incline followed by some weights. I’m eating yogurt for breakfast (triple zero Greek) and usually salad for lunch and then chicken with bell peppers and asparagus for dinner... I only lost a couple pounds my first week.. probably water weight but since then haven’t lost anything.. even gained 2 lbs back. What am I doing wrong? I’m only 29 and I have a lot of weight to lose... I know it takes time but really expected more results by now... it almost doesn’t even seem worth it!! Help me stay motivated!


  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I would guess that you are eating more than you realize. Are you using a food scale? Weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink accurately? Maybe over estimating calorie burn? Combination of both?
  • _faedreamer
    _faedreamer Posts: 56 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you're overestimating what you eat elsewhere or overestimating your burn, eating back exercise calories might actually put you over for the day. Try not eating those calories back for a week and see if the scale moves.
  • laceygaywilson
    laceygaywilson Posts: 330 Member
    You could be seeing muscle gain!! Don't let it get to you!!! I have hit many platues that make no sense!! Diligence gets you over the hump then losing quick!!! Try mixing up your diet have a lil variety!! Water water water!!! Stick with it and you will be rewarded!!!
  • starpoweractivate
    starpoweractivate Posts: 14 Member
    Based on the foods you listed as what you eat, I think that maybe you're a bit too low with you calories. If you're only eating yogurt for breakfast, the zero Greek, that's like less that 200 calories of just protein. If you're using the individual cups, then it's only 110 calories. My suggestion would be to add some carbs to help fuel your body for the exercise you're doing. Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast carb. And then for your salad, is it heavy on the veggies, with some lean protein, and light on the dressing? Your dinner sounds fine. I try to limit my carbs at dinner too.
    In the end, keep with it. It does take time for some bodies to see change. Don't be discouraged!! 😊
  • kristymcniel1
    kristymcniel1 Posts: 11 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you're overestimating what you eat elsewhere or overestimating your burn, eating back exercise calories might actually put you over for the day. Try not eating those calories back for a week and see if the scale moves.

    I log everything. I am usually under my 1600 calorie goal and I don’t log my exercise calories... I went from eating like 3000 calories a day.. always eating out and drinking soda to completely stopping soda, drinking lots of water and sticking to a very strict diet... there are hardly any calories in my yogurt and I mean I eat a salad for lunch and chicken and veggies for dinner.. I don’t know where I would be over eating... if I need a snack I usually count out exactly 28 almonds and log that too.. maybe I’m not eating enough?
  • kristymcniel1
    kristymcniel1 Posts: 11 Member
    Based on the foods you listed as what you eat, I think that maybe you're a bit too low with you calories. If you're only eating yogurt for breakfast, the zero Greek, that's like less that 200 calories of just protein. If you're using the individual cups, then it's only 110 calories. My suggestion would be to add some carbs to help fuel your body for the exercise you're doing. Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast carb. And then for your salad, is it heavy on the veggies, with some lean protein, and light on the dressing? Your dinner sounds fine. I try to limit my carbs at dinner too.
    In the end, keep with it. It does take time for some bodies to see change. Don't be discouraged!! 😊

    Thank you!! That’s the only thing I can think it is! I drastically cut my calories and I really thought I would lose a lot more than I have... trying to figure out what to eat is soooo hard which is why I just stick with the same things everyday. I will try replace my yogurt with oatmeal and see if that helps.. my salads are usually the most calories I consume in an entire day which is usually my lunch but it still isn’t a whole lot.. I log it too.. I have been very good at logging everything. Do you have any suggestions for what my calorie goal should be? I’m 260 lbs... I would like to lose at least a pound a week.. I am not very good at watching other things.. I watch my sodium and carbs but sometimes go over just a little bit on those...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I found that I had to eat a variety of food, not the same things over and over or I wasn't getting the nutrients I needed.

    Focus on hitting your protein and fats goals - they are minimum goals that need to be hit. Then let carbs fall where they fall

    Eat more on exercise days.

    Change *what* you eat. The same meals over and over will leave you lacking in some micronutrients.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
  • _faedreamer
    _faedreamer Posts: 56 Member
    I find if I vary my calories in, then it can help kickstart when I've flatlined. Like one day I'll eat 1500, then 1200, then 1300, then 1200, etc. Variety seems to help me from plateauing. Or it has so far, I try never to hit my calorie goal as set out by MFP, because it's not really a 'goal', it's a MAX, and you don't have to hit it. I just try not to go under 1200 a day. Also, make sure you're weighing everything with a digital food scale, just using cups/tbsps is very inaccurate, you wants grams/ounces to make sure you're logging accurately.