Gorilla Sports Weight Bench?

Hey all, just looking for a little advice!

I have been getting into lifting over the past few months; unfortunately the relatively small weights section at my gym is always so busy at the times I am able to go that it's making it really difficult to train. So I have been looking into buying a bit of equipment for at home, however there is a MAJOR lack of space at home!! So although I would LOVE a power rack, there is simply nowhere to put it (although I did consider buying a shed and putting it in the garden!) so I ideally want a bench that would fold away & I'd keep weight plates/bars under my bed.

I came across this (http://www.gorillasports.co.uk/p-278-weight-bench-with-100kg-vinyl-weight-set.aspx) and it looks a bit too good to be true considering what you get for the price. I mean it doesn't look amazing, but it's fairly cheap (and it folds away which is an absolute non-negotiable requirement) so I was considering buying this along with some squat stands. It takes a maximum of 200kg and I don't see myself lifting heavier than this any time soon (if ever) :P

The problem is I can't find reviews of this specific product anywhere and since I am new to all this was hoping maybe someone else could cast an eye over it and if there is anything glaringly awful about it let me know before I commit. Or if you know of something better that is space-friendly and not too insanely expensive that would be great :-)

