FASTING, love it or hate it?

What is everyone's opinion on fasting? It's something I've never tried before, do y'all love it or hate it? Why or why not??


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I tend to follow an accidental fasting schedule based mostly around skipping breakfast and eating lunch late. I tend to get snacky at night but I'm usually not that hungry until well after noon, so it lets me eat when more when I might otherwise be tempted to blow my goals. It's purely a convenience thing for me, and definitely not the right idea for everyone.
  • FinelyFermented
    FinelyFermented Posts: 102 Member
    Depends on how hungry I get. I skip breakfast and usually don't eat until after noon most days due to my schedule
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Love it - love having large meals and being full instead of little amounts throughout the day.
  • Rayvis1014
    Rayvis1014 Posts: 36 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    We still don't know if she is talking about intermittent fasting or full fasting. Everyone saying about how much they like intermittent fasting may confuse the issue and make it seem like you are talking about full fasting.

    I think it's because going any length of time without eating is considered "fasting." For example, taking a fasting blood sugar means no food for 8-12 hours. On the fasting forum I've lurked on they distinguish these by calling them shorter fasts and "long-term" fasts. For example, people on OMAD might say they fast for 23 hours a day. Others might fast for 24-48 hours, or for 21 days. But it's all fasting.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    edited June 2019
    Rayvis1014 wrote: »
    MikePTY wrote: »
    We still don't know if she is talking about intermittent fasting or full fasting. Everyone saying about how much they like intermittent fasting may confuse the issue and make it seem like you are talking about full fasting.

    I think it's because going any length of time without eating is considered "fasting." For example, taking a fasting blood sugar means no food for 8-12 hours. On the fasting forum I've lurked on they distinguish these by calling them shorter fasts and "long-term" fasts. For example, people on OMAD might say they fast for 23 hours a day. Others might fast for 24-48 hours, or for 21 days. But it's all fasting.

    That's the point though, then OP needs to be more specific. Because I'd bet the average person's "love/hate" meter could feel very differently about an 8 hour fast than a 21 day fast! And there comes a point where the length of the fast can make it an off-limits topic on this forum.

    OP, I used to do 16:8 IF for a couple of years, and it really helped my appetite. But when my work schedule changed, my appetite changed and it was no longer practical. I've never went without food for more than probably 18 hours or so - I'm not convinced of any purported health benefits and I've honestly never been tempted to try it. If you could be more specific about what you're asking about, you'll probably get more useful answers. There's also a wealth of previous threads about different types of fasts if you feel like searching for them as well.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,289 Member
    Hate it. I wake up hungry and breakfast is far and away my biggest meal of the day. It's not at all unusual for me to eat 800 - 1000 calories before 10 am or so. I also do dinner with friends most nights and have no interest in giving that up. I just don't have 16+ hours in a row to spend not eating.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    my body naturally does IF on the weekend. So i won't feel hungry till about 1-2pm so I'll probably only eat 1-2 larger meals that day to equal my daily goal. I wouldn't be able to do this on a weekday but it's too structured and I get up way to early to make it til 1-2 pm before eating. It's really a preference for you.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    While I don't advocate his extreme practice of IF, the testimony of Penn Jillette is an interesting read giving perspective of how one person went about it using IF as a tool. Such as extreme approach isn't necessary but I'm not going to criticize him at all but instead wish him the best in his continuing fitness, health and wellness journey.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I neither love nor hate it, and would also echo that people's personal views about it as a tool for them might very well depend on the type of fasting referred to. I also think types of fasting that wouldn't work for me (like I think I'd hate 5:2) work well for others (a friend of mine loves it).

    I have changed my mind over time about fasting for religious reasons, as back in my 20s I thought it was totally pointless and now I see some value in it for me, but that's a different topic.
  • neversaynever_43
    neversaynever_43 Posts: 59 Member
    While I don't advocate his extreme practice of IF, the testimony of Penn Jillette is an interesting read giving perspective of how one person went about it using IF as a tool. Such as extreme approach isn't necessary but I'm not going to criticize him at all but instead wish him the best in his continuing fitness, health and wellness journey.

    That is an interesting perspective. He wanted it to be hard and challenging. I've legit never thought of dieting that way. Just the exercise side. Not my thing (although I am doing IF, CICO and exercise) but it's so funny how people approach a situation. When I quit smoking 10 years ago I just told myself - this is it - never again - not one time. Now I took Chantix too but once that mindset was there I never smoked or cared to smoke ever again. And I tried to quit for decades. I would like to think my head is right this time to lose the 30 lbs but you don't really know until the journey is mostly behind you.
  • SillyGirl_6
    SillyGirl_6 Posts: 33 Member
    A co-worker of mine has been doing IF for about a year. She was obese and lost a substantial amount of weight. Her method is very strict because of health issues she has. It has worked very well for her.

    I recently started IF and I'm doing 16/8. I fast from 8 pm to 12 noon. I stalled in my weight loss doing CICO and working out. Dropping breakfast has helped me stay within my calorie count. I still have my coffee in the morning. I drink flavored water and green tea while I fast. Then I eat lunch and dinner with a snack somewhere in there. I'm staying around 1420- 1450 calories per day. I also run and do light weightlifting. I like to workout in the late afternoon and evening so I usually have food in me. I can't workout while I fast. Blood sugar is too low. It looks like I will be on target to lose a pound this week. I will see come Sunday for sure.

    Good luck to you!!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    It's definitely not for me (at least not the traditional version of it) since I love eating right before bed and first thing in the morning, but it can work really well for other people. Try it out and see how it goes.
  • jenigennrich
    jenigennrich Posts: 2 Member
    I do intermittent fasting. The 16/8 schedule didn't work for me, so I do a 13/11 schedule. It has helped my stomach and I sleep much better.
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