Rack Pull controversy

Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
Great video by Jeff - there's a right way & a wrong way to perform this controversial exercise.

Mainly like doing rack pulls for traps (wide grip, light load, below knee, form as main focus) because I can not stand shrugs. Out of boredom, I'm curious as far as everyone's opinions on rack pulls...


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    OK I couldn't watch the video because I"m at work, but I like rack pulls.

    I like to do snatch grip rack pulls best, once I discovered them. Before I used to do normal ones. Snatch grip just gives me a better full back workout.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I wouldn't recommend "rack pulls" in most cases because it bends and destroys the barbell. Ever try to squat, bench, or deaflift maximal or sub maximal weights with a bent barbell? Not ideal.

    I do agree with the majority of what he is saying as a whole. I don't find them useful for those who feel the need to work near maximal intensity(1-3 reps) being at the top of the list. I also feel that proper load management is the key to any lift/training.

    I would and do dose very simular lifts that don't damage a barbell. I certainly think he is missing two key points of the usage.

    1. It is a useful lift for someone to continue to train who cannot perform a full ROM because of injury. This allows a option for progression back towards full ROM.
    2. Use for training as a variation from mid shin. This is more useful for reasons of specificity than a "just below knee". It allows for a slightly lower intensity than full ROM but closer in the same benefits and skill to perform.

    Perhaps he just didn't want to get that deep into the video with either of my points, but it is certainly note worthy to mention.

    The sound of rack pulls make me cringe every time just knowing how someone is ruining a barbell.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Yeah, was going to bring up how Jeff didn't mention, heavy above the knee rack pulls bend the hell out of barbells
    Interesting perspective from a powerlifter in regards to injury work arounds
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