The same two pounds

I’m down almost 25 lbs since mid Feb. I’m now down to my last 10 but the scale keeps going 148 one day, 150 the next then 149 but staying in the same two pound range, what give??


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    When you're that close to goal, it gets trickier. Patience will come in handy. ☺
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I have the same t going on,hit my goal log it then weigh the next day up then down again it's obnoxious!
  • biggiwig4483
    biggiwig4483 Posts: 90 Member
    Same here. When my sodium intake is high I usually gain up to 3 lbs overnight. Same with low fiber carbs. Only eating high fiber carbs and low sodium prevents these weight fluctuations for me.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    It's normal weight fluctuation. In your last 10 pounds, you should not be expecting the scale to go down every day. Weight loss at that point is very slow and it may even be a month or so before the scale goes down. Make sure you are weighing ALL your food and not overstating your exercise calories, be consistent and patient with your logging, and get a trend weight app like Libra or Happy Scale.
  • biggiwig4483
    biggiwig4483 Posts: 90 Member
    Probably higher sodium intake on some days.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
    How long has this been happening?
  • bmayhew32571
    bmayhew32571 Posts: 16 Member
    I’ve noticed it the past week or so. Nothing’s changed in my eating habits, I log every day. Today back to 149.2, 150 yesterday. Up and down
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,724 Member
    I’ve noticed it the past week or so. Nothing’s changed in my eating habits, I log every day. Today back to 149.2, 150 yesterday. Up and down

    Well there goes *that* theory. :) A week is nothing. Try going a year gaining and losing the same pound while "eating in a deficit". If you're going to weigh yourself every day, you might want to try a weight trending app so you don't drive yourself crazy. Others can suggest which ones to use.
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    edited June 2019
    I’m down almost 25 lbs since mid Feb. I’m now down to my last 10 but the scale keeps going 148 one day, 150 the next then 149 but staying in the same two pound range, what give??

    I can so relate to this....just thinking the same thing this morning! I have 10 lbs left to go I want to get down to 150.0 weighed myself on Saturday down to 159.5...feeling good because I am in the 150's then did pretty good with eating and exercise all weekend, weighed myself this morning and up a pound:( Tired of the one up one down cycle.

    I set low expectations for my weight loss as well, my goal is to get to 155 by end of August/mid September...but still frustrating how slowly it comes off. I know I shouldn't weigh myself but I can't help it.
  • brittlb07
    brittlb07 Posts: 313 Member
    Same. I’ve lost 25 pounds since January 1. I am now 123. My goal is 118. I am only 5’4’’. Things are moving VERY slow. Like a half a pound every other week slow. But I’m at 1300 calories and don’t want to go any lower. Hang in there. My monthly cycle also slows things down and causes me to gain a few pounds.