5:2 I Don't understand!!!



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    OP - if you don't understand it then either educate yourself or stop worrying what other people do.

    Option 1 - have a look at http://thefastdiet.co.uk/
    Option 2 - carry on with something that suits you.

    Wish you well in your weight loss, what a shame you think I'm crazy.....
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    Until you see the documentary and understand the science it will seem counter intuitive. I am a trained nutritionist and I was scared to death to tell anyone I was doing it but the science convinced me.

    It WORKS and I have NEVER felt so good or had so much energy!!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    It's not for everyone. Do what works and is best for YOU!!!!
  • jennimc13
    5:2 is fantastic. Since starting 3 months ago, I have never felt better. I have lost just over 2 stone, my skin is better, my nails are strong and growing for the first time ever, I have more energy...need I go on. The fast days are not difficult, I still eat well lots of salad, veggies and protein and I rarely feel hungry. It may not be for everyone, may not be for you, but please dont make negative comments about something you dont understand. There is plenty of scientific evidence to back up the health benefits just google 5:2. Good luck with your weight loss journey, however you wish to go about it
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    After losing 45 pounds in 9 months, my body has adjusted to my calorie level and the weight isn't coming off very easily. I was expecting that to happen at some point and here it is. I can either lower my cals even more, or try a different approach. I am looking into the different styles of Intermittent Fasting, so see which one will best suit me.

    Eating 500 cals a couple of days a week will not kill anyone, much less someone with lots of extra weight to lose.

    I still have 30 pounds to go, so I can live off the fat of the land for a while longer before I have to worry about 'starving'.

    No one has a gun to your head, forcing you to the 5:2 plan. If they do, then call 911 and report them. :bigsmile:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Then don't do it? Are you ranting or putting out a legitimate question?

    Intermittent fasting works for many people and is well documented. If it doesn't work for you, so?

    I prefer most times to eat 2 larger meals a day, foregoing breakfast. It works for me. Others, maybe not so much. Doesn't make it wrong.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    OP - if you don't understand it then either educate yourself or stop worrying what other people do.

    Option 1 - have a look at http://thefastdiet.co.uk/
    Option 2 - carry on with something that suits you.

    Wish you well in your weight loss, what a shame you think I'm crazy.....

    This right here!!!! I have been practicing the 5:2 plan for 88 days now with amazing results!
    Including but not limited to boost in energy, greater loss in inches per week, sleeping better at night and craving healthier options on my non fast days... Never once have I felt "starved".. How can you hate what you don't even understand the actual process?
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    once i get to my goal weight i plan on doing the 5:2 occasionally and most weeks 6:1 for the rest of my life
  • pappesbaby
    Ok at the risk of sounding stupid what is 5:2? From the post I'm guessing this is more of a UK thing? I'm in small town US & it hasn't reached me yet. Seems it has something to do with fasting?
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    Ok at the risk of sounding stupid what is 5:2? From the post I'm guessing this is more of a UK thing? I'm in small town US & it hasn't reached me yet. Seems it has something to do with fasting?

    In the simplest of terms, you fast for 2 days per week and eat normally on the other five . For men that is generally around 600 calories on a fast day and for women 500.

    Some great links were provided here. You should check them out. And it's gaining popularity in North America.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Ok at the risk of sounding stupid what is 5:2? From the post I'm guessing this is more of a UK thing? I'm in small town US & it hasn't reached me yet. Seems it has something to do with fasting?

    The 5:2 diet (AKA The Fast Diet) stems from a documentary shown last year on BBC in the UK. The series is called "Horizon" and features a weekly scientific documentary. The particular one I'm referencing was called "Eat, Fast and Live Longer". It was made by a doctor turned reporter/ journalist - Dr Michael Mosley.

    There is now a website and books about it.

    Basically, the idea is to eat very low calories on two non-consecutive days in the week (Mondays and Thursdays is a common pattern) and eat "normally" on the other five days. Men are supposed to eat 600 calories on "fast" days and women aim for 500. You can switch fast days around to accommodate your social life. People who do not want to lose more weight often do 6:1 to maintain.

    The health benefits are supposedly linked to slower ageing and cancer prevention but are not copper-bottomed proven. Weight loss is a side effect.

    I'm sure you'll be able to find the original TV program if you google. I had it bookmarked but it's been taken down from where I found it ages ago.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I do not understand how this can possibly be a healthy way to loose weight! I am a firm believer in a total life style change. It needs to be something manageable for the rest of your life and I am sorry but I am not going to basically starve myself two days a week. Let's face it my family doesn't like me when I am hungry...I am miserable. Maybe I am missing something here but I am making the changes that I need to be healthy for the rest of my life, not some crazy diet that will make me loose weight and eventually gain it back.

    If it takes me two years of eating right and getting my rear up and moving to drop the weight I am okay with that. I am doing to this in a way that I will only need to loose it once and be done. I am sure it works for certain people I am just not willing to do that to myself.

    Congrats OP you are on your way.

    If somebody had have said to me at the beginning that fasting was in my future I would have laughed.

    It turns out that this process (5:2) actually fits my new lifestyle, not the other way around. MFP has taught me alot that helps me understand and embrace the fundamentals of the 5:2 strategy.

    My suggestion to you...keep doing what you are doing, it's working. Research. Keep 5:2 up your sleeve as a possibility.

    I miss 2 meals and 8 snacks per week...doesn't sound like starvation when you put it that way does it?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I love it now that everyone is bashing the 5:2, perhaps they will not have time to bash the 1200 dieters anymore.
    Sheesh. I picked the wrong week to switch! :grumble:
  • autumnmctaggart
    autumnmctaggart Posts: 41 Member
    5:2 is fantastic. Since starting 3 months ago, I have never felt better. I have lost just over 2 stone, my skin is better, my nails are strong and growing for the first time ever, I have more energy...need I go on.

    My nails are super strong and long now as well- isn't it awesome!
  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    I also do 5:2 (sometimes 4:3). I think just looking at the tickers of all the other fasters here is proof that it works. Clearly they are doing something right...

    For me, in three months I've managed to shift 9% of my starting weight, and I've never been so fit. Three months ago I could barely run 300 metres, now 5kms are a breeze.

    My husband didn't understand it when i started either, but since he watched me transform he has started fasting too.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I do not understand how this can possibly be a healthy way to loose weight! I am a firm believer in a total life style change. It needs to be something manageable for the rest of your life and I am sorry but I am not going to basically starve myself two days a week. Let's face it my family doesn't like me when I am hungry...I am miserable. Maybe I am missing something here but I am making the changes that I need to be healthy for the rest of my life, not some crazy diet that will make me loose weight and eventually gain it back.

    If it takes me two years of eating right and getting my rear up and moving to drop the weight I am okay with that. I am doing to this in a way that I will only need to loose it once and be done. I am sure it works for certain people I am just not willing to do that to myself.


    All you have to do is find something that works for you.

    Good luck!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I love the 5:2 diet too. Really easy to do a 200kcal brekkie and 300kcal dinner, plus I don't binge because I can still eat 'naughty' things if I really fancy them. Definitely possible for the rest of my life & lots of top chefs also now follow it.

    The documentary can be seen on the net, I watched it on https://player.vimeo.com/video/54089463 (sorry not sure how to do a link)

    Each to their own but worth a watch before you make any decisions. I was particularly interested in the possible reduction in dementia.

    Good luck with doing it you're way. If it works for you that's all that matters.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you don't like it, don't do it. IF isn't for everyone. What's the point of bashing?
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    After losing 45 pounds in 9 months, my body has adjusted to my calorie level and the weight isn't coming off very easily. I was expecting that to happen at some point and here it is. I can either lower my cals even more, or try a different approach. I am looking into the different styles of Intermittent Fasting, so see which one will best suit me.

    Eating 500 cals a couple of days a week will not kill anyone, much less someone with lots of extra weight to lose.

    I still have 30 pounds to go, so I can live off the fat of the land for a while longer before I have to worry about 'starving'.

    No one has a gun to your head, forcing you to the 5:2 plan. If they do, then call 911 and report them. :bigsmile:

    @debbielyn63 I am at a plateau and going through the same with 20 more to go. Congrats on your achievement btw. If you want to friend me we can break it together. I have learned a few tricks from some other 5:2 friends and I am definitely not starving. :-)
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Wow. You don't understand why people do it? Or you don't understand it? Or both.

    One thing for sure, you are totally misinformed about 5:2. It IS a lifestyle change. Not just for weight loss. There are many other benefits. And if you look at the weight loss tickers of some of the people who responded, you should be impressed.

    I am sorry it makes you angry. It shouldn't.