Back again - motivation needed!

I'm not new to MFP, having previously lost about 36lbs using the app - but that was 8 years ago. I've yo-yo'd ever since, and am currently sitting 7lbs lighter than my highest ever weight. I have 28lbs to lose and I've been trying (obviously not very hard) to lose that 28lbs for about 18 months.

The time is here, it has to go. I'm miserable, most of my clothes don't fit and I refuse to buy new ones, so I look scruffy wearing the same few things over and over. This year I've tried counting calories, Slimming World, you name it. I don't eat unhealthily for the most part, but I do eat too much and don't move quite enough. I know exactly what I need to do, I know exactly how good it will feel when I do it, but my motivation is just non-existent.

I started - again - yesterday and managed to do ok, so I'm gonna take it one day at a time!

I'd love to chat to people for general support, motivation, a rocket up my *kitten* etc.


  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I always say to take the path of least resistance that still allows you to meet your goals. One day at a time does help a lot. I also lost a significant amount of weight about four years ago on MFP, and am back on it to lose the weight again after a few years of yo-yo'ing along with other slightly more serious eating issues. This time does feel easier because I've developed mentally in a way that allows me to put weight loss on the backburner in my life while still working towards my goals.
  • peacejan
    peacejan Posts: 23 Member
    I'm trying to lose a similar amount - 30lb I cant ever seem to get below 11st which is why I always give up. I'm back up to 11st 11lb :disappointed: decided I need more fitness buddies. Knowing I can share a successful week with like minded people i think will help me. I've had My fitness pal for several years but I never manage to log for more than 5 consecutive days but I'm going to try and change that starting with this week 💪 weve got this!