1000 calories



  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    My goodness your tall one. That’s definitely going to show on the calculator for you.My family is short women unless they marry in. Great grandma had dwarfism I’m 5’4 family members call me tall probably cause I can reach a shelf with a step stool or not.
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Crikey firefly! That is a lot of food for a 'shortarse'! I can't get anywhere near that!

  • Lynn_091819
    Lynn_091819 Posts: 45 Member
    edited July 2019
    I think you all scared the OP away....
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Crikey firefly! That is a lot of food for a 'shortarse'! I can't get anywhere near that!

    Be more active and you can eat more ;)
  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    Hun 2500calories is the normal for men.Young girls it’s 2000 & under unless pregnant/breastfeeding then it’s higher to maintain .After menopause 1800 calories to maintain y 1200to lose.
    Use a calorie calculator online type in height,age,female (unless born male so you can get correct for your body if on hormones that changes things again get both readouts figure out a medium).
    My Daughter is 5’2 your age group 1,527 recommended for her to maintain weight because she’s short. We are rounding up to 5’2. To lose 1277 for her at average weight of course it shows for obese a much lower number.
    I’m 5’4 Old as can be menopausal mines under 1200 to lose around 1750 to maintain

    Irrelevant without knowing much about OP. Plenty females need 2700- 3k per day just to maintain

    My maintaining calories would be 2,500 so I can attest to it.

  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    Well, first, congrats on recognizing an unhealthy pattern and deciding to fix it. That's a huge accomplishment in and of itself.

    Without knowing more, I'm not sure I have anything of substance to offer that hasn't been said, but the best advice I've ever gotten when it comes to food and my relationship is this-- Eat when you're hungry, and when you eat, be mindful. At 1,000 calories, it's got to be hard to really be nourishing yourself. People can burn 1,000+ calories a day just by existing.

    Food is fuel. Fuel yourself and try not to worry about problems that haven't arisen yet, like what your metabolism might do. I know that is easier said than done, but definitely start by giving yourself some grace (and some more calories!) and I'm willing to bet you'll be just fine. If not, we are here to help.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    Hun 2500calories is the normal for men.Young girls it’s 2000 & under unless gigantism/pregnant/breastfeeding then it’s higher to maintain .After menopause 1800 calories to maintain y 1200to lose.
    Use a calorie calculator online type in height,age,female (unless born male so you can get correct for your body if on hormones that changes things again get both readouts figure out a medium).
    My Daughter is 5’2 your age group 1,527 recommended for her to maintain weight because she’s short. We are rounding up to 5’2. To lose 1277 for her at average weight of course it shows for obese a much lower number.
    I’m 5’4 Old as can be menopausal mines under 1200 to lose around 1750 to maintain
    To budge weight - you might be building muscles from exercise but losing fat give it time patience is a virtue. Step up exercise see if your eating something that can be changed to be healthier. Your only 18 so just enjoy life hun. Can visit a Dietician or gym ask advice too. Doctors 🥼 ask when your there. If you want to go with your friends go out to eat 1/2 of something you really want to eat then diet like usual after for a few weeks. Learn balance cause your only young once.

    Well think you may be making generalisations there.

    I'm a 47 year old peri-menopausal 5'2" female and I maintain on 2500-3500 Calories (depends on day, 2500 on my lower activity day, 3500 (sometimes 4000+) on my most active days.

    Wow I’m amazed. How can you eat that many calories! That’s how I gained my weight. Even if I exercised for 2 hours a day, I couldn’t eat that many calories. Good for you!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2019
    In recovering from anorexia and before a BMI of more than 20 has been reached the most common suggestions that I've seen involve eating in the 2500+ Calories a day range (even over 3000) while avoiding un-necessary exercise, thus giving the body all the resources it needs to recover.

    When first starting a re-feed some doctor care would be highly desire-able in case the body (in the presence of sufficient energy) attempts to effect necessary repairs and depletes necessary resources (throws mineral such as phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium severely out of whack for example).

    However if we've gone beyond that point, one would encourage an increase of Calories as fast as possible to over 2500 while minimizing exercise so as to get as fast as possible to a point around BMI 20 where hormones are expected to become more normalized.

    At that point we can start considering body composition and strength training keeping in mind that for up to well over a year after the normalization of body resources the body will be settling everything around and re-distributing our restored weight (similarly to how our excess skin tightens up for a year or two after weight loss).

    the usual disclaimer: getting individualised information from a professional instead of scraping the internet is a very wise course of action when dealing with important health issues!