Stressed out mamas & papas!

Before having my amazing and gorgeous daughter, I had lose about 185ish pounds. I had dieted my way from 350 to 155, and enjoyed my runs and workouts. During my pregnancy I went from 165 to 217, and now my daughter is 2 years old and I cannot get under 185. It is beyond frustrating. The pressures of working full time, completing a doctorate, and being present for my family are insane. I don’t have time to work out after work, and I’m having difficulty waking up at 4:05 to go to the gym, so I’m settling for a 40 minute workout session on my lunch break. I make it to the gym and back just in time. I’m not tracking my calories as meticulously as I should and I just don’t know how to find the discipline and motivation to get this extra weight off. It’s stressing me out!!


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Track. Do it right. Food scale whenever possible. Good faith estimates when necessary. Just make sure everything gets logged in with a number no matter what.

    Exercise is a great thing. Really good for our brains. But it’s vastly overrated as a weight loss strategy. I think we get a lot more bang for the effort on the intake side of the CICO equation. Your time and energy are limited resources, put them where you get the most return.