
Hello everyone.

So, I was doing so well with losing weight and feeling great with myself at the beginning of the summer. I think it was because I was busy with school and I had things to do. But now that I'm mid-summer I'm not as busy. I've recently decided to do Insanity, and I thought I was doing great.. Until I stepped on the scale and realized I'm gaining weight instead of losing it. I'm now very discouraged and I don't know what to do. I'm thinking I might stop doing insanity and just go back to running and walking.. Any thoughts?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Have you been logging your food accurately and keeping to your goals? If so, the weight gain is most likely water retention that happens when you start a new workout regimen. Don't quit, it will go away. If you haven't been consistent with your diet, get that in check.
  • Maryssa_
    Maryssa_ Posts: 17 Member
    Have you been logging your food accurately and keeping to your goals? If so, the weight gain is most likely water retention that happens when you start a new workout regimen. Don't quit, it will go away. If you haven't been consistent with your diet, get that in check.

    Yes, I have been logging my food accurately and keeping to my goals. I've been eating less than daily intake should be, so I'm wondering if that's hurting me. Thank you for your input!
  • krisDanielle16
    krisDanielle16 Posts: 42 Member
    Just keep in mind that muscle weighs more then fat. Alot of people say to stay away from the scale because it can discourage you thinking you're gaining weight when it's really just muscle building up. As long as you keep your food intake regular and healthy you'll do just fine :)
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    Take measurements. The scale sucks. I am in phase 3 of P90X and I havent lost much if any weight (haven't weighed in weeks) however my clothes are getting loose and I am losing inches everywhere.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    If you are doing insanity, expect to gain weight. When you start something that intense, you generate microtears in your muscle fibers causing you body to retain glycogen as part of the healing process. Glycogen is bonded to water, so you also retain water. Water is quite dense, particularly compared to fat, so it is extremely common for water weight to balance or even offset losses from fat. As previously suggested, take body measurements. I didn't lose any weight over the full run of insanity, but I lost 4" off my waist and 4 percentage points of body fat, so the weight wasn't important. Don't trust the scale; it lies.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    open diary helps...but insanity will put weight on u in a good way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Most people I know who have done insanity have not really lost weight, but increased their endurance and toned up some.