Dieting heaven or hell?



  • catsandbooks
    catsandbooks Posts: 5 Member
    Totally fun! I haven't been on long (about a month) and even though I've already had some nice results, the best is how much better I feel! I'm not really restrictive, but now I recognize portion sizes and really THINK about eating rather than mindlessly eating :)
    I'm excited to see and feel the difference in a few more months.....or a year!

    Same for me! :bigsmile:
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    The process of removing the weight--with the wonderful MFP site--the S & NSVs and the way my body has shown me how it can transform, has been awesome. However, having to deal with overcoming my addiction to food and finding new and healthier ways to deal with stress has been a major and somewhat uncomfortable challenge that I HAD to do to break the cycle of obesity once and for all. The weight is gone, I'm still working on the mind/emotional part...but it is getting better day-by-day.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never found weight loss hard. Weight maintenance is harder. I sometimes wonder if I slack off and gain weigth just so I can lose it again. It's so fun to lose. Everyone notices and compliments you, you get to shop for new clothes. People ask about your diet and workouts.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I'm loving this too thanks to fitness pal. You can eat anything you choose, log it in, analyze it, make changes. For me, I love to keep track it's a lot of fun! I wouldn't last on a diet one day, I have no will power.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Ive never been a great one for exercise, except for walking, but Ive recently joined a gym because of an experience I had at the hospital of all places. Id gone along to the cardiac unit to have a heart stress test. I had to get on a treadmill thing which they speeded up until youre using 85% of your heart or something for a certain amount of time, they inject a dye and measure various things I dont know lol ANYWAY theres me on a treadmill not a pretty sight with my gown hanging open and ecg wires everywhere being asked to jog on this moving belt thing tilll my heart was going like the clappers and then when the test was finished I just kept running it was amazing, they said you can get off now were going to slow it down, but I was buzzing I was on a high . Got no idea if I shouldve joined a gym or would be allowed to use a treadmill I will have to check with the doctors first but omg I want a treadmill so bad they are AMAZING. SO..... My point geared myself up to counting calories and watching what I ate, but I never in a million years thought Id ever want to exercise, so youre never too old .
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I've never found weight loss hard. Weight maintenance is harder. I sometimes wonder if I slack off and gain weigth just so I can lose it again. It's so fun to lose. Everyone notices and compliments you, you get to shop for new clothes. People ask about your diet and workouts.

    Good point, I think maybe it is harder to maintain than diet.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    It was heaven for a while, until my gallbladder started giving me troubles. Recently I just can't seem to eat most foods. Seems like everything bothers me at the moment.. no matter what it is... it just makes me feel nauseated. Once I get this gallbladder situation taken care of, I'm sure it will be awesome again. I loved the feeling I got after a great workout. As for the foods my friends eat... I absolutely refuse to deprive myself, and if they eat pizza, so do I... I just limit what I take in. I've done well with that thinking. Everything in moderation thinking I call it. :)
  • ramshareen
    It will be heaven at some situation and it will be hell at most of the situations :laugh: