Ok I’m done yo yo dieting

I have been trying to lose this 40 pounds I have gained for what seems to be forever. And I’ll admit I yo yo diet and diet hop because I don’t see fast enough results. And I always turn back to keto thinking that it is somehow the only way to lose weight. However, I am completely disgusted with meat and I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I am 42 years old, on an antidepressant which I think slows my weight loss down, and I have 2 jobs back to back and college leaving not much time to exercise. Any solid advice anyone can give me would be helpful. Do I have to stick to keto or what do you all recommend


  • ladydark2018
    ladydark2018 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome. You don't want to restrict your diet a great deal, because that can lead to burnouts and binges. Overly restricting yourself and trying to stick to too many rules have the potential to make you miserable and, therefore, more likely to abandon your progress after a while (I'm speaking from experience).

    There's no reason to limit your diet to doing keto. Losing weight comes down to a calorie deficit, regardless of what you eat (including carbs). Some people prefer a low-carb way of eating because it allows them to feel fuller for longer, but fat loss is only about eating fewer calories than you burn. That's it. No food is “good” or “bad” for weight loss as long as you’re in a calorie deficit. You could lose weight eating only buttered donuts as long as you burn more calories than you consume. Unfortunately, because buttered donuts are very calorie-dense (a lot of calories for a small amount of food), you’d be hungry quite often. Eating foods lower in calories allows you to eat more, so you stay fuller for longer. Eating only buttered donuts would also adversely affect your overall health after a while (not getting enough vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.), but weight loss is all about calories – Eat fewer than you burn, in whatever form suits you, and you’ll lose weight.

    I tend to do better with a higher-carb diet (I don't get as hungry throughout the day), but many other people prefer a low-carb, high-protein/fat diet to help with their satiety, but that's all it's about – feeling full so you don't eat above your calorie limit.

    Here's a great post to help you get started: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    Good luck! A lot of great resources and people here to help you along the way :)

    Thank you so much for this reply and taking the time to respond. I appreciate it
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    The best thing is not to go on a "diet". Eat foods you like, just within a calorie deficit. MFP can help you set a goal for your loss. If you are trying to lose 40 pounds, choose 1 pound a week and eat whatever foods you like to fit your goal. Good weight loss isn't fast, but it is sustainable.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    It doesn't sound like keto is sustainable for you. It wasn't for me either. Luckily, I realized that in the research phase.

    Now, I eat the foods I like and log all my meals honestly. In fact, I usually have a day or two ahead filled out. It's removed a ton of stress for me and keeps me in a calorie deficit.

    Glad to see you here. ❤