Tried Everything, Lost Hope



  • JordanS9592
    JordanS9592 Posts: 94 Member
    I was just having this same talk with myself today! It's so good to not feel alone. It's easy to get caught up in focusing on your failures and feelings of defeat, I've been there the last couple months and gave into a pizza binge earlier today. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to start focusing on the positive things I have done in the past that proved successful!

    Ultimately, what I eat is most important. Starting the day with exercise has always put my head in the right place though. If I do it first thing, I can't make up excuses to not get it done. I just feel better and have more energy all day. I make better choices because it reminds me how much exercise I have to do to burn off just one piece of pizza! Find an exercise you truly enjoy. It's so much easier is you look forward to it. Doing it up front keeps me from using it as a torture for dietary indiscretions.

    Eating well has to be something you can stick to best, whatever that might be. There are so many ways to get there, but the secret to success is doing what you do consistently. I like to add a bed of greens to everything! It adds so much substance and so few calories!

    I only let myself weigh-in once a week. It's enough to keep myself honest and not get so caught up on the numbers. I use an article of clothing that fits tightly or is close to fitting to gage my progress otherwise and try it on anytime I'm tempted to step on the scale. If I'm doing well, it will fit better as the days go by. Somehow it makes perfect sense in my mind that it will fit the same all day long, so why I get caught up in the scale and expect it to reflect lower numbers by the hour is just not logical or healthy!

    I put this in writing hoping something might help you and to set it in my head what I need to get back to also! Hopefully it helps! Feelings of defeat happen, but you are only a failure if you just stop trying. Let's both try again tomorrow, it's a new day deserving of some self love and forgiveness. You can do this and so can I!

    Thanks for sharing, it is much appreciated. It’s hard to know how long the road is to victory, but I’m just going to try to forget about that and just focus on not messing up for the rest of today and tomorrow.