Getting back on the saddle

Hey everyone!!

Hope everyone is having a great day or evening where ever you are at. After having my baby girl, I’ve been stuck under 200lbs and can’t break into the 180’s. Ive been stuck. Not gaining which is great but I get so close, I go right back up. I got this program to help and it’s amazing. I’ve come back to this app to log my carbs since I’m starting a low carb diet. If anyone has good meals they can suggest, that would be awesome!! I’m not much of a cooker but I enjoy learning. I’m up for anything and also quick meals, since I have a toddler now, my time is somewhat limited.


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The group Low Carber Daily Forum is a good place for recipes and tips. I also like the Keto group, some low carb recipes there, and finding meal suggestions also in the group recipe swap.
  • TwistedStarz7
    TwistedStarz7 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome! Much appreciated!! ☺️🙏🏼