Finally Got This

Hey all! Hope your own health journeys are going well!

It’s my first time posting, but I’ve been on this app for 3 years. The name is Tim. Over the last 10 years I’ve been on a long journey of yo-yo failures in diets. Overall, it’s been a good ride. I started at 230lb and am now holding steady around 180 and about 14%BF. Over the years of failure, I’ve narrowed down what works, what doesn’t work, what is truth (vs what you’re told), etc. I’m close to my goal of 12% maximum BF and 10% goal as a general marker.

Main goals are healthy living with minimal risk for future disease, strong immune system, a strong body, and a 6-pack for the hell of it. I hope to be there by September 😁

If you have any questions about your own health journey, please don’t hesitate to ask! I hope to get to know people on the same track and desire to live healthy and motivate each other to finally get to that first goal and beyond!
