Gained weight back :(

Well, it’s been a year after I lost 100 lbs. Somehow, I managed to gain 30 lbs back along the way. This past summer I’ve been struggling with losing and gaining back the same 5 lbs. I just can’t seem to get motivated the way I used to. Does anyone have any tips to help me become more motivated? While I’m semi-okay with the weight I am at now, I’m disappointed that I let myself get that off track.


  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I fell off track for about 6 months. Only gained 3 lbs. I decided that I want to finish what I started for myself. I have days that I'm content, and days that I'm not. It comes and goes.
    I try to focus on what I want my end game to be. It keeps me motivated.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Losing and gaining 5 lbs repeatedly means you are successfully maintaining. Not a bad thing, necessarily!

    I have done at least 10 full-on reduction cycles in my life, losing 10-20lbs each time and (then slowly gaining it back). If you want it, go get it!

    But: I've maintained my goal weight now for several years. How? Well, you need to create some habits:

    - I weigh daily (in the morning just after the toilet), and when I see I'm a few lbs up, I cut.

    - I try always to eat and drink much less during the week than on the weekends (almost no alcohol on work nights!)

    - I try to take my own food to work and eat most of my dinners at home. (Restaurants and bars are the enemy!)

    - I have a few standard breakfasts and lunches that I know are within my range. For dinner, I have one plate of food with limited carbs. But: I always have a piece of chocolate after dinner.

    - I try to exercise 5-7 times a week, mixing it up. Most workouts are less than an hour. If all I have time for is a walk at lunch, that's what I do.