30 day shred

nyr35 Posts: 1 Member
Starting 39 day shred today! I plan on 6 days on 1 off. Would love some accountability buddies.


  • Lana4639
    Lana4639 Posts: 44 Member
    I am doing 30 day shred too. I am modifying all the moves because I'm back at ground zero with my weight and fitness. I'll be one of your accountability buddies. My workout week starts on Wednesday, I'm exercising 6 days and Tuesday is my rest day.
  • bkennedy8q
    bkennedy8q Posts: 1,420 Member
    If I can find my copy I'll join in as well. I'm just restarting my journey
  • Ntoriousydc
    Ntoriousydc Posts: 31 Member
    I'm late to this party but my plan is to do 30 day shred for the next three weeks, one week each level. I will also be on a calorie deficit. How are you all getting on? :)