I need motivation and support. All that I can get!!! 😭

Hey MFP world. My name is Jennifer. You can call me jenn. 🌻🤷🏻‍♀️ anywho. I’ve lost weight and gained weight and lost it again. I’ve done this over and over again the last 10+ years.
Right now I weight 210.2 lbs. At my highest I was 260+ 😱 I so want to get back in the 140s to 130s.
I know that I can do this. I DO!
I do great for a few days and then I just fall off. I just started school and I’m 38 years old. I forgot how hard school was for me. How do I find time for school and fitness?!?!!!
Why is this so hard for me?!
Friend me up and give me advice!!!!


  • iam_yves
    iam_yves Posts: 3 Member
    getting started with any fitness journey is hard. since you are in school and trying to work on your fitness. i'd ask when are your classes and do you also work? for example if all your classes are during the day and you go to work after then the best option would be getting up a little early and having a morning session. setting the routine is hard for a few days or weeks but it gets better.