
Hi everyone, for some reason I can’t find how to add friends so please feel free to add me, I’m loosing weight on a 1200 calories a day , I’m looking for others who wants to loose weight or ppl who done it or Rios advice ppl with fitness experience etc so please add


  • daniellam01
    daniellam01 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Hi everyone, for some reason I can’t find how to add friends so please feel free to add me, I’m loosing weight on a 1200 calories a day , I’m looking for others who wants to loose weight or ppl who done it or Rios advice ppl with fitness experience etc so please add

    Hi to add friends press there name and go to their profile. It's a button there. I'm losing weight as well. Did you have any questions?
  • sechesbro3242
    sechesbro3242 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm doing CICO and intermittent fasting! If you ever need a buddy let me know :)
  • abennett983
    abennett983 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll add you! 😊