Medication weight gain

Has anyone had problems with medications causing them to put on weight that they just can't get off no matter what they try?
I was put on Elevil for migraines and have gained a lot of weight. I tried so many ways to cut out carbs, fats, meats, you name it I've tried it. I also run a lot and have been working towards a half marathon. The farthest I've run (with walking breaks)is 7 miles. But over the past few weeks, I've gotten so run down and so depressed that I can't barely get myself up out of bed. Heck, this past Friday I dropped my kids off for sleepover at grandparents...went home and fell asleep at 5pm and woke up the next day at 10am. And get this...was still tired and lethargic. Even on Sunday when I did try to get out and walk with my kids it felt like my legs weighted a ton. I hate this feeling and plan on seeing my doctor tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had to deal with this type of thing and what did they do.
Thank you all so much in advance for your support.


  • dmrudy
    dmrudy Posts: 3
    Hi Bitty.
    I had this problem too. I was on medication for depression and also hormone replacement therapy as I had a hysterectomy at 24. I put on 60 pounds with the surgery and the meds. That was 6 years ago. I finally put my foot down and got off of all the meds and am now losing weight. The doctors always said it wasn't the meds but I don't believe it! Hang in there....if you need support, I am here for you!!

  • TaraArriola
    Talk to the doctor, there are other things for migranes that will not put on weight. My son was put on Elevil first; however, this starting causing him problems with weight gain and blood pressure. The doctors changed his medication and now he is doing much better and has lost all the weight that he gained.
  • lisaot
    lisaot Posts: 1 Member
    i have same problem on depakote for bipolar (its also used as anti-miraine and epilipsy drug). I have stopped the medication 3 weeks ago and lost 2lbs, i put on 15lbs in 3 months. i also experienced excessive tiredness and couldnt be bothered to excercise - i was back at the gym last week. i had to make a choice between 2 health risks i and i felt as a person who as grossley overweight 4 years ago i couldnt afford to put it all back on for risk of serious weight related health problems which id been on the brink of before.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I would definitely see your doctor. I assume you're being treated by a neurologist for your migraines? I packed on about 40lbs. between BC and an antidepressant over 3 years ago and also had loads of other unpleasant side effects-so if you're feeling out of sorts definitely have a chat with the doctor! There are other things out there for your migraines! I suffer also! My neuro has me taking Topamax daily as a preventative, which I've been on since February with no negative side effects, and I have an ongoing prescription for Imitrex for when I get them. Hope you get some answers! :smile:
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I was on this (for migraines) and then Pamelor, but both made me gain weight. I was later put on Effexor which helped and I didn't gain anything & was able to lose weight. Prozac is also good for migraine preventation without weight gain. Talk to your doc ASAP. I hated Elevil. It made me feel spacey and out of it all of the time, not to mention not doing a thing for a migraines.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    As much as they say certain meds won't make you gain weight, I gained over 20lbs while taking BC pills and Wellbutrin in the last couple years (this was after losing well over 60lbs & maintaining for over 5years). I got off the BC & dropped 4 lbs, weaned myself off Wellbutrin and dropped another 4! I don't want to take any meds since it appears they mess with my body & I do not want to go backwards in my weight! I'm struggling with my last 10 or so, but I feel better now that I'm off that junk. For mood/depression/anxiety I exercise & take Rhodiola Rosea and balance my foods so I get the vitamins & minerals I need the way nature intended. It was a hard road for the first several months (believe me :grumble: :explode: ) but I started to see the fruits of my labor pay off. You can do this, just don't give in or up. We're all here for you, some of us have been where you are & can help you get through it. When you need a boost, just post or blog & we'll be there :flowerforyou:
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I heard Topomax was good for migranes and weight loss.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I feel my diabetes medication has caused me to gain weight and has made it more difficult to lose. I lose very slowly. My doctor did not seem to think the meds I am on is the issue but I feel he is mistaken. It helps if I really watch my carbs and sodium because that seems to make a difference for me. I eat carbs but just more whole grains and no sugar.
  • GrammaPower
    GrammaPower Posts: 49 Member
    * Elavil (one brand name) or chemical name "amitriptyline" is a tri-cyclic antidepressant med that is frequently used to treat migraines. Drowsiness, weight gain & dry mouth are top of the list of side affects. Some folks must take it at bed time OR request a smaller dose OR both. But there are MANY other meds in the arsenal for migraine sufferers. Hope this helps! :::sick:
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    In responce to some of the people who where able to get off their meds. I did try to go back to a lower dose and the migraines came back. :sad:
    So I believe I may have to search for something that will work for me. Years ago I had been on Effexor for depression and it worked fine but got pregnant with my son so I had to go off of it. Didn't seem to have any problems with depression after that.
    But these migraines are the worst. They get soo bad. At this time I am just seeing a family doctor, but I'm sure if he feels it's needed, he may refer me. Lucky for me they are good about things like that.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope we can find something that works...without the tiredness and weight gain.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I was on this (for migraines) and then Pamelor, but both made me gain weight. I was later put on Effexor which helped and I didn't gain anything & was able to lose weight. Prozac is also good for migraine preventation without weight gain. Talk to your doc ASAP. I hated Elevil. It made me feel spacey and out of it all of the time, not to mention not doing a thing for a migraines.

    If it's not too personal of me to ask, did you take Prozac for migraine prevention? The reason I ask is because I was put on it about 2 years ago to treat my PMDD and not only did it cause a massive weight gain, it also gave me the first migraines I ever suffered from.
    It's interesting to see how everyone's bodies respond differently to the same medications...
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Your symptoms sound **a lot** like over training. Do some research on it....if you're training for a marathon, you may have over-done it and need a break, especially if you were restricting calories along the way. This is a common problem, especially for us women when we go from zero to mach 9 overnight ('exercise binges') :noway: and stress our bodies even further by restricting calories (our body thinks we're at war because we're running, AND we're starving!). But it can be serious, so do some research and take care of yourself.

    This doesn't address your migraines, which are probably a separate issue, but does address the lethargy and depression. Weight gain can be a side effect of adrenal fatigue associated with overtraining, or possible low thyroid function, which your doctor can test for.

    As far as migraines, don't change your med without talking with your doctor. Many medications cannot just be 'stopped' without serious side effects. Did you investigate other hormonal triggers i.e. food allergies, magnesium deficiency, nitrates in foods and lunch meats (hot dog headache), sulfites i.e. from red wine, hormonal imbalance etc?
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    balance9....I am taking a break right now. Today I did go out over lunch with a friend of mine and we did a little running with more walking. It was just too darn hot and I didn't want to push it after taking a 7 day break. I probably run 3 to 5 days out of the week for about an hour or so. I have some younger friends who run HOURS every single day and can run 13 + miles. I don't know how they do it, but this old girl has to take it slow. LOL!
    I try to reach my pre determined calorie intake according to this site but most times I burn more than that so I'm under my required amount. But trust me....I do get my 3 meals plus snacks in for the most part.
    I think the doctor did want to check my thyroid the next time I came in because it's been a while, and while it was normal last never know if it still is.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Well, I was at the doctor and they took me off the medication. I had to give blood and all that other stuff, and if that's ok they will more than likely start me on Topamax (spelling?) Hope that works.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I wish you best of luck Bitty1taz: it's never easy to change something, but you can do it & we're all here to support you!:flowerforyou:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Well, I was at the doctor and they took me off the medication. I had to give blood and all that other stuff, and if that's ok they will more than likely start me on Topamax (spelling?) Hope that works.

    Best of luck on the Topa! I've been on it successfully for 6 months now and it's for the most part done wonders for my migraines. I have been in a rut lately where I've had more than normal, but I think it may be weather related...:grumble: