
First off I would like to say GOODMORNING to all. My name is Elizabeth and I’m a single mother of one amazing kiddo. I’ve been a FF/EMT for 12 years. If any one is familiar with this field it involves 24 hour shifts, poor eating habits and zero to no sleep. Yes you read that right. On a typical 24 I could get as much as 6 hours of sleep but typically it’s just 2 or even none. In 12 years my body has grown tired and large due to these circumstances and poor eating. Because when you’re running calls and haven’t ate in 16 hours you grab what you can. Then to top all of that off I discovered my thyroid was no longer working (huge). So I got up to 260 pounds. Over the years I managed to stick around 200. When my recent trip to the doctor reviled my thyroid was no longer functioning and that my weight had increased by thirty pounds in three months I decided enough was enough.

Feeling tired every day was is an understatement and the need to coffee was REAL!!!! Then seeing my body literally not respond to anything I had enough. I researched “diets”. I’ve done them before but with little success. So yet I begin again!!!! This time I researched my body type endomorph!!! Okay so an actual answer as to why diets have failed me. So I started incorporating new habits to just see if the weight would come off. It’s been a month and I’ve lost 13.6 pounds. I now only have one cup of coffee per day that’s black and eat what my macros say I should within a certain calorie range and so far it’s working.

For many out there like myself don’t give up!! Sometimes you have to start and fail many times before it “works”. So here’s to my third attempt, the difference this time is determination.

If anyone has positive suggestions on how to stay on track and what are good simple at home workouts I can do that would be great. I want to lose my arms and my momma belly (forever years later) please share. I’ve never reached out before or shared my story but just like any journey it’s better to do it with friends!!!!

So thank you to everyone who will read this and add positive thoughts to continue my progress. It is greatly appreciated. Have a great week everyone!!!


  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Hey good for you for sticking to it and the kids already

    I workout at home with YouTube videos. Sydney Cummings is my new fave as she was a track athlete and has a more fit muscular physique like I aspire to. She posts a new workout every morning so it's kind of fun to find out what the daily workout will be.

    Good luck!!!
  • maureenseel1984
    maureenseel1984 Posts: 397 Member
    I love yoga (in case you can't tell). For me it works well because it is all about listening to and nurturing your body, mind and soul.
    Because it's somewhat ritualistic (even just a few sun salutations in the morning), it's easy to make it a habit. I incorporate journaling or reading a book...a mantra for the day...fantastic exercise. Yoga with Adriene is a great channel on YouTube if you're just starting out.
  • ohortert14
    ohortert14 Posts: 42 Member
    I also workout at home to a ton of different beach body tapes, little by little over the years have bought stuff for a home gym and it’s wonderful (I’m not one to waste the gas going to a gym). But the first workout I did was 21Day Fix and it was the perfect starting point, I never followed those colored containers tho. I just try to eat as clean as I can and do a workout everyday. Now I’ve graduated to a bunch of other tapes through beach body (body beast, hammer and chisel, and 21 day fix extreme) I’m currently doing Max Out 30 with Shaun T. I gotta switch it up or I get bored and unmotivated. Good Luck on your journey!
  • Loulife2018
    Loulife2018 Posts: 6 Member
    Well done you I get your lack of sleep I'm a Baker and work early morning 2am starts so my sleep pattern is horrendous. My favourite workout at home is Leslie sansone she does walking workouts and they are easy or intense ones there is some on u tube Lou