Eating problems!

Hey guys!! Ive been on a weightloss journey for almost a year now and have managed to loose 115 pounds! Recently I’ve been having some problems with my eating ways, some days ill be really good eating about 1,400 calories a day and then ill go out and eat so much! Ill do this at least 1 time every 2 weeks & i feel so bad after :( What do i doo!!! Also is 1,400 calories too little? Should i go down more or go up a bit?😕


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    probably time for a diet break if you've been in a deficit for so long. diet break does not mean eat whatever whenever, just means eating at maintenance for a bit. Google it for more info.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    probably time for a diet break if you've been in a deficit for so long. diet break does not mean eat whatever whenever, just means eating at maintenance for a bit. Google it for more info.

    I agree, it might be worth it to take a break, eat at maintenance for a few weeks, and then re-evaluate how many calories you actually need (i.e. if you start eating at what should be your maintenance and are still losing, you're probably not eating enough).

    What are your stats (current weight, height, goal weight)? That can help us determine if 1,400 is too low. I can lose on 1,400 and I'm 5'1'', sedentary, and 138, so it can be quite low depending on your stats.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Maybe if you can get to the core of what feelings trigger your overeating days you can figure out how to address the thoughts-feelings-actions cycle that is associated with that behavior.

    Our thoughts lead to our feelings, which leads to our actions (thank you Brooke Castillo for the THINK-FEEL-ACT model). . . so my mantra these days is: "The only feeling food can fix is hunger."

    For me, I try to put a name to what I'm feeling (or what I felt. . ) when I am about to go off the rails (or did. . .). Was I feeling tired, stressed, happy, celebratory, impatient, bored, put upon, unappreciated, joyous, sassy, bored, sassy, cute, slobby, loved and in love, unloved and abandoned, useless, accomplished, victorious . . .

    If I can put a name to what I'm FEELING (or felt), then I try to figure out what I'm THINKING (or was thinking) that made me feel that way.

    For example,
    My friend had to cancel our coffee date because one of her kids got sick. That sucks. I'm here all alone now. and I feel . . . . I feel . . . I feel abandoned. The thought behind the feeling is that she doesn't like me any more because I did something to piss her off or because I'm unlovable. And now, I'm about to order two donuts to "fix" my loneliness.
    I feel proud because my instructor complimented my drawing! My thought is that I deserve to celebrate because I'm awesome! And celebration means eating and drinking, right? So where are we going for margaritas and a pile of nachos as big as my head?!"

    If I can put words to my thoughts, sometimes I can change or rewrite the thought to change the feeling that is behind the behavior or simply FEEL the feeling rather than trying to feed it.
    My friend didn't "abandon" me because she doesn't love me or like me any more--she had a sick kid, and her priority SHOULD be her kid. I can now treat our broken coffee date as an opportunity for some unexpected me-time. I'm going to the library to scan the new arrivals! Yay!

    I AM proud that my instructor liked my drawing! I've been working hard to get better, and it really feels good to have her notice. I'm going to actively focus on that feeling, and enjoy it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss.

    I agree with the recommendation above about a Diet Break. I hope you take a few minutes and read the first couple pages of this excellent thread about it:

    And just to add...1400 may or may not be enough for you. Depends on your current age, height, weight, activity level and exercise.

    I lost the last 20 pounds set at 1500 plus Exercise calories, so on most days I was eating 1800-2000 calories. For someone else older/younger/taller/shorter/more active/less active that may not be the right amount.