low carb- share your wisdom please

hi, i'm a female 18 year old. I'm 5'10 and weigh around 155 lbs right now. ( 177 in cm and 70 in kg) I came all this way up from 175 lbs and my target is 132 lbs in the end. I'm considering starting low-carb diet and my plan is: 120g protein, 30g carb and 40 g fat per day. I also do jogging with a pace of 6.3 for 45 minutes for 5-6 days a week. Do you think this is appropriate? I'm nervous on that what if i take too much protein and it all turns into sugar? Please help me, will i lose fat this way ( the last thing i want is to lose my rare muscle, btw) and how much will i weigh at the end of september?


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Just maintain a decent deficit and eat what you like is my best advice.

    Nothing magic about low carb unless you have a diagnosed metabolic issue with processing carbs.

    Been there, done it. :)

    "Protein turning to sugar" just isn't an issue if you're in a deficit, err on the side of more protein would be my take.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    you might want to try the low carb and keto groups as they are a little kinder to the subject than the general forum. this part of the forum is going to just pile on the hate, wait and see....

    your protein is not too high. Your carbs may or may not be on. the general consensus (in the keto crowd) might be that they are a little too high but I recommend you get ketostix and tailor it to what keeps you in keto. I can go up to 60 or 70 (but it's lower with fiber included, probably 45-60 thru the day and stay in keto)

    the other thing they'll say is to keep your fat a little higher than that. your body has two means of getting energy, glucose and fat. When you go into keto you stop burning glucose because you've cut off that supply and you start burning fat. So you want to make sure you eat enough fat to keep your body going, much in the same way you'd normally eat enough carbs.

    I recommend you try the groups that have a lot of people who know this subject inside and out for solid macros though.

    Low carb/keto has benefits and it has cons. if it works for you it's a solid way to lose weight, don't let the haters deter you.

    there are definitely benefits to keto over a regular diet but imho you still have to watch the calories. eating a lot of fat and protein just makes you less hungry so it's not so bad to do so.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Unless you plan on low-carbing for the rest of your life it's probably not worth it.

    Just eat a sensible calorie deficit of a wide variety of foods, getting a balance of carbs, proteins and fats.

    ETA looking at those macro values that's less than 1000 cals per day. That is not enough food for someone that lays in bed all day. You need more food.
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    That's 965 calories a day, way under safe and sound deficit, and you're planning to increase that deficit by 400-500 cals with running. Leaves you with about 500 calories a day to maintain bodily functions. Sure, you'll lose fat. You'll also lose muscle, energy and will to live. Likely develop an eating disorder in the process.

    Start over. Calculate your TDEE. Set your calories to -20% of that. Protein to 1g/1lb of lean body mass. Remaining calories divide between carbs and fats the way you see fit.