Seeking Friends

aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
Hi everybody,
I’m not totally new but am looking for more friends. About myself:
5’5”, 164lb/73Kg (now & falling), active guy. A Civil Engineer by profession. I live in London, UK.
My sport is Squash, which I absolutely love playing. To help my game and support general health/fitness I also use my multi-gym Nuffield membership regularly. Home gym is Wandsworth, Southside in London. Other activities I pursue when I have time are leisure cycling, mountain hiking & camping, which I also love doing. I’ve never been good at being a couch potato, so even at home I’m burning calories doing this/that. Even love walking round the shops. Surprising how many calories you can burn on a long shopping day out!
Trying as everyone else on this site, to get fitter/healthier, including losing weight. Ultimate target is 147lb/65.3Kg. Have come close before, got down to 151lb/67kg but got badly affected by a painful relationship breakdown/heartache such that the weight spiraled up as far as 189lb/84Kg!! Slowly getting over the heartache/pain and glad to say I am in the process of recovery.
Looking for friends to help each other along this constant never ending road to a fitter/healthier life.
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