Staying Good & Resisting Temptation

Lunch today, a much healthier choice than the old me would have had.😊 This was at a Motorway Service Station, where if I wanted to be bad, I could have easily gone for a BK. KFC, Subway or Fish & Chips.🤔🤷🏻‍♂️😔


  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Subway is actually not a terrible choice, since it's easy to control the calorie levels.

    KFC is a bit tougher. Sadly. I get cravings. =P
  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    nice aziz.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I guess I am confused because your meal is not really short on calories if you are eating it all. If that is what you want that is fine but you can spend your calories anywhere.
  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    edited July 2019
    i dont see large calories there, its pretty moderate meal. dunno what is on top left corner. those salad cream dressing can be impactful more.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Those are goat cheese balls in the corner. I am not saying it is high calorie but it doesn't look cheap either.

    I could be wrong. It is hard to tell from a picture.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    I need to try that Perrier juice.
  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    ouch cheese is pretty calorie dense.
  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    Lunch today was Potato & Egg Salad, Goats Cheese Balls with herb & chilli and some Kettle crisps (maybe could have left them out?) and a drink, Perrier with Pineapple & Mango(recommended).
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    aziz_n1 wrote: »
    Lunch today was Potato & Egg Salad, Goats Cheese Balls with herb & chilli and some Kettle crisps (maybe could have left them out?) and a drink, Perrier with Pineapple & Mango(recommended).

    If you enjoyed it and it fits in your day there is no reason to leave anything out. I was only commenting because you made it sound like you really wanted to eat something else which might have been possible with the calories I believe I saw there.
  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    Amazingly for me, dinner was another salad! This time a Tossed Muscle Builder. Ordered and was charged for a medium but for some reason the lady who made it up, preped a large.🤷🏻‍♂️
    Again resisted all kinds of temptations I would have gone for in the past, including Chinese or Asian.😊😊
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    I didn't realise Waitrose did goat's cheese balls. As I'll be near a branch next Tuesday, I might have to take a wander in and treat myself. I assume the larger branches sell what's in a service station branch.

    Glad you found something at a service station that met your needs and didn't blow your entire day's calories though. If I'm ever going to be driving over a meal time now, I take a picnic as I know the (appealing) choices will all have far too many calories for me.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Anyways OP how was that Perrier juice?

  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    You are doing great; making better choices. Yay you! For: MIDLOMEL1971 -- So I have that problem you mentioned where you ate 1 "wrong" food and then you go off your plan because you were not perfect. I do not think I think that but I definitely behave like that. I really go off the rails and start binging for days, weeks. Even though I want and need to lose the rest of my weight so bad. So my question to you is what do you say to yourself when you eat that extra carb (or other food) that you know maybe you shouldn't. What do you say to help you stop yourself from feeling bad about eating 1 or 2 extra items and not feeling guilty? It is not like I consciously feel guilty or bad about that extra item, it is almost automatically that I will end up eating so much more. I guess out of habit for over 40 years of doing the same vicious cycle. Please give me a word or phrase or mantra you may use to help yourself. Thank you so much!!
  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    Perrier with Pineapple & Mango was nice & not overly sweet. Other flavours available.
    Oriental & Asian food is very tasty but often very rich. Not so bad if you can get grilled or steamed options without too much of the rich sauces that accompany those items.
    Have to say, the choice of salad boxes on offer in Waitrose & M&S is very impressive now and I’m sure if the Service Station outlets offer them, main branches in town will do too.
    Went slightly over my allowance today ( first time in days) but don’t feel too bad. Why did I go over? Could be any one or two reasons. Could have left the crisps or not eaten all the large evening salad. If traffic coming back home from my trip up North had been lighter, I might have got to the gym and burnt some calories to balance the allowance out.🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
    Not too worried, I’m due to play squash tomorrow evening and that normally burns a serious number of calories.
    I think the trick is being honest with yourself. If you fancy something, go for it, enjoy it but don’t forget you had it and you need to do something to balance things out.
    If you need something to help you resist the urges that at times strike us all, try as I do, to imagine/remember what you look like when you relax, or trying to squeeze into clothes. Or twist the thought the other way and picture yourself as a slimmer/leaner version of yourself and being able to easily slide into clothes again.
    Hope that helps.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Yes, imagine how hard it was to squeeze into ur clothes or that it didn't fit or to think how great it will be when you lose the weight and all your clothes fit. Yes, like what you wrote above, thanks
  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    The weekend is here and all the challenges that brings in resisting temptation. Enjoy the weekend and stay strong as much as you can & resist overeating.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    M&S and Waitrose salad boxes look amazing, but I've never tried them.

    That's a pretty good substitution if your usual go to would be a large McMeal with a sugary beverage. Love goats cheese.
    Personally, I'd have had fruit instead of crisps. Fruit and cheese are so good together.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I guess I am confused because your meal is not really short on calories if you are eating it all. If that is what you want that is fine but you can spend your calories anywhere.

    800 ish calories I think
  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    My lunch over the last few working days has been a small packet of Doritos (healthier than potato crisps, apparently, seem to taste better too), and two pieces of fruit. Trying hard to minimise carb intake at lunctime. Eventually, will give up the Doritos too and just stick to fruit. Having cut down on the carbs, especially bread, glad to say my stomach is flattening out.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,080 Member
    aziz_n1 wrote: »
    My lunch over the last few working days has been a small packet of Doritos (healthier than potato crisps, apparently, seem to taste better too), and two pieces of fruit. Trying hard to minimise carb intake at lunctime. Eventually, will give up the Doritos too and just stick to fruit. Having cut down on the carbs, especially bread, glad to say my stomach is flattening out.

    Almost all of the calories in fruit are from carbs. The Doritos have a lower carb-to-calorie ratio than the fruit. Why no protein?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    aziz_n1 wrote: »
    My lunch over the last few working days has been a small packet of Doritos (healthier than potato crisps, apparently, seem to taste better too), and two pieces of fruit. Trying hard to minimise carb intake at lunctime. Eventually, will give up the Doritos too and just stick to fruit. Having cut down on the carbs, especially bread, glad to say my stomach is flattening out.

    Almost all of the calories in fruit are from carbs. The Doritos have a lower carb-to-calorie ratio than the fruit. Why no protein?

    I am not sure the OP understands how to balance his meals. His choices are confusing and based on a criteria of "healthy" that makes no sense to me. His definition of low carb makes no sense either. He just posted a lunch that had potatoes in the salad and in the crisps.

    I am not sure what is going on here.
  • sbubble
    sbubble Posts: 1 Member
    It might be helpful in the long run for you to shift your mindset a bit. There is no “being bad or good” it’s best not to associate how you perceive yourself on what you eat. That can lead to guilt and other issues. That said, there is nothing wrong with being proud of having made healthier choices. There’s also nothing wrong with eating BK. All things in moderation is the key to long term success.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    aziz_n1 wrote: »
    My lunch over the last few working days has been a small packet of Doritos (healthier than potato crisps, apparently, seem to taste better too), and two pieces of fruit. Trying hard to minimise carb intake at lunctime. Eventually, will give up the Doritos too and just stick to fruit. Having cut down on the carbs, especially bread, glad to say my stomach is flattening out.

    What’s your criteria for naming Doritos as “healthier” than potato chips?

    Foods shouldn’t be judged in isolation. It’s the context of the overall diet that matters.

    Your lunch sounds doesn't sound low carb since Doritos are carbs/fat and fruit is all carbs.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    aziz_n1 wrote: »
    The weekend is here and all the challenges that brings in resisting temptation. Enjoy the weekend and stay strong as much as you can & resist overeating.

    I don't need to take this kind of restrictive approach calling things good and bad and needing to stay strong. I have a sustainable plan that I can execute fairly effortlessly. Lost 40 lbs that way. It's a long term game. So no not about resisting temptation for a weekend...