Marine Collagen

Hi, I bought some marine collagen the other day to try as I’ve heard it’s good stuff and due to intolerances I’m looking to up my protein intake. Does anyone else take it? Any benefits thus far if so?


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I haven't tried the marine, I just use the normal one, but so far haven't really seen any obvious results. They say it's good for skin/nails/hair/blah blah but my skin is pretty decent in general anyway, and hair is a horrible overdyed mess that no amount of collagen can ever repair.

    Someone said I looked good the other day (friend I hadn't seen in ages) meaning my skin etc, but, I am on the last bits of a botox injection i had a while ago so maybe it was that and not the collagen!!!
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    i take regular collagen. one scoop a day in one of my cups of coffee. its been a while since i started but noticed a marked improvement in my hair in about two weeks and the skin on my face seems to like it also. there are other benefits also, can't remember them. i take it for my hair.
  • Hannahwalksfar
    Hannahwalksfar Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks, my hair is a bit brittle atm so hoping it will help
  • lucyluvhandles
    lucyluvhandles Posts: 138 Member
    I started taking regular powder collagen about a month ago. I've been doing 2 scoops in the morning with my coffee. I started taking it because of the reviews online saying it could help with inflammation and pain. I have noticed a big difference in my legs and feet. I'm on my feet all day at work and usually put in over 12,000 steps. By the time I get home I'm so tired and my feet and ankles hurt but since I've been taking the collagen most of the pain has gone away. I feel like I have more energy to do things when I get home from a long day. I personally have not noticed any changes in my skin and nails but just the other day I ran into someone I haven't seen in a while. He complimented me saying how younger I was looking. I dont see it, but I'll take it! Lol
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    I have been taking a collegen supplement for about a month, I have noticed my nails are much stronger, I was having problems constantly with chipping, splitting even though I was keeping them cut low. Interesting I have had to visit my parents this week and have not taken the collagen and I am having a variety of joint pain. Now this may be due to the horrible bed I am sleeping in, the dryer weather and I may not be drinking enough water, and just dealing with my mother...I will need to note how I feel when I get back to my routine next week.