Introducing Myself


My name is Jaye Sunsurn, aka 'themindfantastic' and I am 45, live in lovely Vancouver BC Canada. I started using MFP a little over a month ago now, (my streak is logged in 37 days straight) I started at 111.1kgs (245lbs) and I am now 103.5 (228lbs). My overall goal is to get to 69.5kg (153lbs), which given I am 167cm (just a smidge under 5'6") is where I go from Obese to 'Normal'. It's a long term goal, I do not expect to hit this 69.5kg number until mid next year, at the minimum.

I was working out daily up until a week ago until some foot problems of mine became too painful to ignore and a specialist I am seeing said to hold off until I got it looked at. Which I am going to do this coming Wednesday. I have a little mantra/equation which I was trying to stick to, under 1,500 Calories, and over 15,000 steps a day (I have a fitbit charge 3). But obviously the steps have taken a back burner and I just try and stay under 1,500 calories for the time being. I still get 7,500 - 9,000 steps in anyways, unintentionally, beyond the 250 steps per hour (6am - 6pm) I mean.

I try and put a note in each day to my status even though I am the only one who reads it at the moment after I close out my day and reflect on my goals. Mostly it is me grumbling being annoyed that I cannot really work out right now, due to my foot problem, but eventually I hope it will become better reading when I start looking at all this in the rear view mirror.

So that's me, I figured it was time to stop lurking and actually participate in this forum. Not that I can say much right now... still early days for me.


  • sailfromsafeharbor
    Sounds like you're doing a really good job. I'm so sorry to hear about your foot. That's no good. Welcome. I hope I can get my own steak to 37!!