How often ...



  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I don't cheat myself. Sometimes I listen to my body and eat closer to maintenance, and sometimes I go on holiday and take a short diet break so I can live my life.

    But those aren't cheats, they're breaks. The idea of cheating implies that being on a diet is some kind of monogamous relationship or test and that's ridiculous.
  • MohsenSALAH
    MohsenSALAH Posts: 182 Member
    Every two weeks just to speed up my metabolism
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    How will having a cheat day (whatever your definiton of that is) speed up your metabolism??

    and why would it need speeding up anyway??
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2019
    No designated cheat days for me, the concept is unattractive to me because it makes dieting feel like being in jail and you get the occasional scheduled breather. Not how I want to diet. If I want something I ask myself if I can fit it into my calories, if yes, I have it, if no, I plan it for the next day. If I want a very high calorie meal that I can't easily fit and the effort to fit it in feels worth it, I plan for it a few days in advance and have it. It's less of a jail and more of a responsible budget management situation.

    A few weeks ago, I had ice cream every single day for 8 days straight because it felt like it was worth the calories, then other things felt like they were worth the calories more. I haven't had ice cream for about 2 weeks now, not because I'm dieting, but because larger meals are more attractive to me than ice cream at the moment. I wasn't being "bad" then, and I'm not being "good" now, I just choose to spend my calories on different things. It's all food to me, the only difference is that some things are worth the calories more often than other things.