Vacation Weight "Gain"



  • sugarcakes38
    sugarcakes38 Posts: 80 Member
    edited August 2019
    If it helps, I had an extra bowl of Kix today. It was the best. But that’s not the worst part I also had a piece of enchilada casserole after that. I loved it. What’s worse is that I don’t know how many calories it was so I just took my best guess and logged 350cal. Have no idea if I was spot on but I’ll know in the morning. I wasn’t even on vacation this all happened here at home. I feel like I robbed a bank.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    edited August 2019
    Week in Fiji. Came back 5.5kg (12.1lbs) heavier than I left. It was awesome

    Didn't do anything special when I came back. Just went back to 'normal' and 2 weeks later was back where I started.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,200 Member
    If it helps, I had an extra bowl of Kix today. It was the best. But that’s not the worst part I also had a piece of enchilada casserole after that. I loved it. What’s worse is that I don’t know how many calories it was so I just took my best guess and logged 350cal. Have no idea if I was spot on but I’ll know in the morning. I wasn’t even on vacation this all happened here at home. I feel like I robbed a bank.

    That's not awful. It's fine: You made your best guess. It's fine, a drop in the ocean of life. You're fine.

    In the morning, your scale might have a blip from extra carbs or random water weight of any sort. Don't worry, regardless. It's one thing, one day.

    Roll on. In the big picture, you'll be fine. ;)
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    For what its worth, I got back from a month long vacation 5 days ago and my experience is not similar to everyone else. I was between 58.7 And 59.8 kg before I left. When I came back from my trip I was 60.7 the first day, less than I expected based on everyone's stories here. The next day I was down to 59.9 and was pleased with myself, but since then its gone up and up, from 60.6 again to 60.7 and now 60.8. I've been eating about 1350 calories per day so I really am not sure why my weight seems to be climbing after a vacation, the opposite of everyone else.
  • Lobsterboxtops
    Lobsterboxtops Posts: 92 Member
    I’ll tell you in a couple of weeks. This vacation will be somewhat 4 days in the car and 6 days on a boat. Not a ton of opportunity for exercise. There will be some, daily walks (wow..I sound like a doggy), short bouts of strength training (pulling rope to lift heavy sail and small boats), and Did I mention the homemade foods including breads and desserts?

    Oh’s a needed break from the world and I’ll be right back at it when I get back home so I’m not that worried.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 888 Member
    A typical 2 week holiday and
    I’m up about 18-20lb
    Half is usually water the other fat 😂
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    For what its worth, I got back from a month long vacation 5 days ago and my experience is not similar to everyone else. I was between 58.7 And 59.8 kg before I left. When I came back from my trip I was 60.7 the first day, less than I expected based on everyone's stories here. The next day I was down to 59.9 and was pleased with myself, but since then its gone up and up, from 60.6 again to 60.7 and now 60.8. I've been eating about 1350 calories per day so I really am not sure why my weight seems to be climbing after a vacation, the opposite of everyone else.

    I'm going through the same thing. You're not alone. I cut carbs for a while and it started to drop but then I got sick and gained it all back. I'm still up about 6 pounds. On holiday I was good and stuck within my calories all but maybe three or four days and admittedly I overate those days. I can't figure it out. I'm back to weighing everything and counting every bite because somewhere along the line I must be eating more than I think. The only other thing I can think of is that I stopped vaping so my metabolism may have slowed slightly from the lack of nicotine. Logically I know that I have to eventually lose it because I can't gain weight from air anymore than I can drive my car on empty. Hang in there.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    grimendale wrote: »
    Spent a day in Asheville and ate my face off. I'd done a long run the night before, so I actually stayed in my calories, but I ate a lot of food in a small window, which was a lot richer and saltier than usual, so I gained about 10 lbs overnight. It's been 8 days, and it's come off at about 1-1.5 lbs/day.

    This is not difficult to do in Asheville. I feel like it is a very overlooked "FOODIE" city. I think I need to go visit again real soon! LOL
  • DreaDarling87
    DreaDarling87 Posts: 46 Member
    I recently came back from a 5 day vacation and was 14lbs heavier than when I left. It’s been 6 days since I’ve been home and I’ve lost 11 of those 14lbs. I’m guessing I probably gained about 1.5lbs of actual fat during my vacation.