Peanut Butter Alternative?



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I use Laughing Cow Light creamy Swiss in celery. I take a full stalk of celery, put the cheese in the celery not going over the top, and cut it into fourths. So that is 35 cals per stalk, a couple of those is pretty filling and I love the taste and texture of the creamy cheese with the crunchiness of the celery.

    I also use celery in place of tortilla or pita chips for salsa and hummus as others have stated. I like almond butter better than PB so I also use that with celery. I happen to like celery on its own I put telllicherry pepper and sea salt on it.

    And if you are like some people who don't like the bitter after taste of celery, you can take a veggie peeler and remove the strings, that seems to make it much more sweet than bitter. I keep strings on for the fiber benefit YMMV.

    I also substitute mini sweet peppers for celery for variety using all the above, if your not a fan of celery really, try subbing the sweet peppers.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm glad I asked/ranted. There is a lot of good info in here. Thank you!
  • bamabutterfly83
    bamabutterfly83 Posts: 73 Member
    As a light lunch I will sometimes mix cooked chicken with light ranch and stuff into celery. Yum! Also I agree with Hummus and PB2. I have chocolate pb2 today to go with my apples in fact. And when I want real peanut butter I always use Peter Pan whipped. I like the texture better and it's lower in calories than regular peter pan pb.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    hummus is yummy, but it sure isn't peanut butter. Love PB2! I agree, its not great right off the spoon, but pared with something else its awesome.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    no they aren't equivalent- but I much prefer hummus- it's just lighter feeling- although I do eat PB I eat it only 1 TBS at a time with a nanner as a snack but hummus wins esp since you can make your own much more easily than PB.

    I am partial to Sabra if I'm not getting it form the Lebanese place where I work (Their's un-doubtably THE BEST I've ever had)... Tribe is absolutely RUBBISH. PLAIN OLD RUBBISH. I can't stand how thick and chalky it is.

    Look into making your own- it's surprisingly easy to make- just again- be careful- it can be very high calorically.
  • FitGirlNani
    FitGirlNani Posts: 33 Member
    Hummus is a reat choice and I'm totally obsessed with the Laughing Cow cheese wedges. My favorite is the reduced fat swiss cheese (35 cals.). I usually spread the cheese on wedge crackers, english muffin, etc. It goes with pretty much anything.