My fitness journey

Hi, I started my fitness journey on April 1st 2019. I’ve always under ate massively and my life was a vicious circle for 18 years. My skin and hair was suffering and so was my confidence. I hated everything about the way I looked even though I wasn’t big. It was time to make changes

I came across my fitness pal and started using it in 2015 so I could track my food and eat my daily allowance without feeling guilty.

I did struggle for a few months as I wasn’t used to eating meals but that was my main goal, it was like being a toddler and learning to eat again.

I’ve always been quite active and enjoy hiking and walking but never had the confidence to go into a gym untilI found one close by that was ladies only.

Although I had joined I still couldn’t find the courage to go in and paid every month for 10 month without using it.

I knew I had to do something and as I will be 40 next year I wasn’t getting any younger and neither was my skin elasticity as good as it used to be.

Whilst looking through Instagram I noticed one of my followers was posting pictures of a boss body class 15 miles away from where I live so had a look and messaged her to join the next cycle.

Not going to lie I was *kitten* bricks about who would be there, what I had to do and if would be able to manage the classes.

I did go without backing out and I’ve been doing it ever since.
I will be starting my 4th cycle ( 5th month) and I’m addicted. I have two classes a week and go to the gym 3/4 times then walks inbetween.

I’m so glad I done it and it’s helped me to not only rebuild my confidence but also trust pictures and not to go off scales so much. They are the devil!

If anyone else struggles with the same issues I have for years I would encourage them to use my fitness pal as it’s been my saviour, not just to eat what I should be without restricting myself but also we don’t realise how many calories we do actually eat a day. I’ll continue to go to boss body with shape up with sher for atleast another year until I feel I’m ready to do it alone. She’s super talented, continuously supports you and pushes you when your ready to give in. I’ve met amazing people through doing the classes and made some good friends who hopefully I will keep for the future 😊
