Slim Calves?? Help!

I've been working hard at losing weight and done really well so place I'm having trouble with is my calves. I run everyday, do some hiit work every other day and weights on the alternate days. Help! what am I doing wrong?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    calves are genetic- very very genetic.

    If you have big calves- be grateful- women wear high heels for their butts- but really it's the entire back side- including calves that it accentuates.

    The other thing is just make sure you are training your quads and hammy's. Proportion helps- but ultimately if you have big calves- guess what- you have big calves. LOL
  • running/walking is gonna workout those calves. Maybe try a different cardio routine. Maybe a rowing machine?
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    First off, in the fitness department, it sounds like you are doing all the right things.

    There are probably several things that could be causing it... first off be patient... I have bulky calves (14 1/2" measured), but no fat on them so sometimes it's just genetics.

    Second off, look at your diet, what are you eating? You diary is not public so I can't look at what it is. Try doing 40/30/30 (fat burner) carbs, fat, protein and work at it everyday. Nutrition is 80% and Fitness 20% when it comes to fat loss.

    Third, we all have stubborn areas. I still have cellulite on the back of my thighs that is taking forever to come off (and I workout 6 days a week), but you have to be patient and keep working. If you are terribly worried... you could ask your local personal trainer for some ideas and stuff. My YMCA has a lady who will put together a whole program for you for free because it comes with your membership :)

    Good luck!
  • I have bulky calves, I always have. They're 16" at the moment but I still have some fat to lose. I used to hate them and tried to think of ways to slim them down/atrophy the muscle but now I just accept them and they don't bother me at all. Now I lift weights and my glutes and hammies have become more defined, I'm loving the muscles in my calves. :happy:

    I walk a lot and the place where I live is very hilly, I don't think I'd be able to get rid of them if I tried and that is fine with me! :heart:

    To answer your question though, I guess you'll just have to keep trying. They should shrink as you lose body fat but you may have to accept that in proportion to other parts of your body, they may still be big. Things like this are sometimes down to genetics and there's not really much you can do about it. Learn to love them, strong legs are good!
  • I have the same issue! But seeing the post about genetics really makes me think... my mother has always been thin but managed to have pretty big calves. Just concentrate on moving long with your fitness journey. I think my calves are more "bulky" due to muscle built from running, training on the elliptical at a high resistance and too many calve raises when I was playing volleyball.

    Just go for overall fat loss. They should get smaller
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Sadly its genetics, take a look at your mother see what parts are above normal and unfortuantly you will probaly suffer from it too. For me I have a broad chest so I will always have that V shape to my torso for better or for worst.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I have teeny tiny little 13" calves. Drop the running and just lift. I've just recently started running and I've finally seen my calves develop now. Calves typically need high volume/frequency to grow so running is one of the few ways you can actually gain some muscle from cardio. Doing 5x15x305lbs calf raises have made almost no difference in my calves but running has made them bigger.