Any parents of toddlers/babies for weight loss support/tips.



  • Hi!

    I have a 10 month old and I have about 100 pounds to lost. I study full time and I work 1-3 days a week in a visitor host/admin role. My husband and I share childcare between the two of us, he is studying towards his PhD full time. We're on a very low income, in a one bedroom flat and I find time to do anything other than cardio hard to find!

    I'd love to be friends with any other mums (or dads, or anyone really!) as I am a social person by nature and I have a lot of weight to lose!
  • terra415
    terra415 Posts: 13 Member
    I completely relate! I myself have a 3 year old and a step daughter (10) whom my husband and I just attained custody. I am finishing my masters and studying for my CPA. I MISS just not caring about me and having cuddle time with the infant. But lo, my babes are little ladies. I love the accountability here on mfp. This has helped so much.

    I was so the woman who would criticize other women for voicing how overwhelmed they were.... and then I became that overwhelmed fulltime job; mom, and the only one who knows how the vacuum and washing machine works (I am still trying to get this routine down).

    I cheer you on definitely! You get in a routine with your habits and your husband will fall in line (it has helped with my studying).

    I put EVERYTHING on. I don't have many friends on here, but my diary is open. I don't eat "clean" but I try where a busy momma can. That's my only kicker. I may feel guilty and not want to "share". But hey, in 5 years this is the ONLY gimmick workin for this gal!
  • k_mcg
    k_mcg Posts: 9
    I have a 13 month old, feel free to add me!
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    im 23 from the uk and have a 2 year old feel free to add me too :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm 30 and a SAHM to my two boys, 2.5 years and 6.5 months. I may not work but they keep me extremely busy, especially my high needs baby. So I try to squeeze in a workout during morning nap time and we try to get out for a hike/walk in the afternoon. I have about 17 pounds to go until I reach my first goal weight then maybe another 10 after that :)
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I have a ten month old baby. My husband and I take turns working out. He watches our baby while I exercise and then we switch. Calorie counting was all I really did to lose the pregnancy weight gain. I just recently started exercising.
  • EK2828
    EK2828 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me, too - was just on here thinking I needed some more support in my circle. :) I'm 31 and have a daughter who just turned 3 and another who just turned 1. I work 40 hr/week at a desk job, but including daycare drop-off and commute, I'm gone every day from 7a- 530 or 6p. My husband's hours are the same, but he has a more physically demanding job so he's exhausted when he walks in the door every day.
    What helps me... really just 2 main things:

    -Pre-plan as much food as possible... I prep things for salads on the weekends so all week I can just throw one together to take for lunch. I also live on fruit, nuts, and Luna bars (or something similar) for snacks. These things are quick, easy, and the best part is they're saved on my food tracker right at the top so I don't have to dig for them! :)

    -I am up to work out at 445a, before anyone else is up & needing attention. I was a night owl, but in order to do any sort of regular working out I had to change that. It sucked at first... I really thought I was going to die of exhaustion the first day, but after just a few days I was so tired I went to bed earlier & earlier... now my husband and I have just a couple of hours together after the girls go to bed (or an hour if I'm really tired!) and I miss some of my fave prime time TV shows, but it's worth it to be able to do what I need to do! I also don't take away any of my precious "awake time" from my girls. I told myself at first I'd do it for 1 month and if I still hated it I'd quit. By the end of week 2 it wasn't so bad anymore. 8 months later, it's still working for me! :) Also... if you do attempt to do super early mornings, I've found letting myself skip Wednesdays helps. Then it's only crack-of-dawn working out 2 days in a row... since on the weekends I'll wait until closer to 7a to head out to run, or I'll take the girls on a walk later in the day, etc. More flexibility on the weekends! :)

    I hope this helps and you find something that works for you... it may just take some trial & error... just don't give up! I'm only 5-6 lbs lower than my most recent pre-pregnancy weight right now, but if you include all of the weight I gained/lost due to babies, I'm pretty darn happy with that! I've got about 10-15 lbs to go depending on the day, and I'm trying to start strength training more to get rid of some of my squishiness. It's hard, but it's slowly happening!
  • Kylies_mom87
    I am a 26 year old stay at home/single mom. My daughter is only 5 months old. Personally the hardest part of trying to get healthy is getting into a routine. I like to work out first thing in the morning but when my baby doesn't sleep through the night, it is so hard to get up early and motivate myself. But slowly and surely i will get there. Anyone can add me.
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    Some of the mommys were asking what kind of strength training or weight training I do at home for 1/2 hour everyday. This is the routine I am working up to however I use dumb bells instead of Kettle Bells but you get the idea.

    These are great routines because they work the entire body and core.
  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    I have a 2 year old and also work full time. Feel free to add me if you want to chat about making this work for your lifestyle :)
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Anyone can add me! i am a full time working mom of a 4.5 year old little man. I have lost nearly 100# over the last few years, so I have tried alot of different things. The key is persist, plan, and perservere.
  • jennynesbitt728
    Add me girl:-) I am a mother of a 1 yr old & 3 yr old. I own a childcare and preschool. I work from 6 am to 5:30 pm Mon thru Fri. My husband and I worked out a weekend schedule and I go to the gym in the late evenings. It stinks BC its late but you have to do what you have to do. Also, I have started running with the kiddos in the jogging stroller. The kids and I make a weekly meal plan for childcare and home on Sundays and post them on our fridge. Lastly, I do yoga and zumba with the kids at home when we can't get out. Just have fun with the kiddos... U can work up a sweat while having lots of laughhs and fun:-)
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    A little bit about me. I am over 35 and just had my 3rd baby. My children are 19, 11, and 9 months. Before I got pregnant with my last one, baby Auggie, I was an athlete. I ran my first half marathon just before finding out I was pregnant and was playing roller derby 3-4 nights a week in my home town. I also coached the Men's roller derby league in the city. Being pregnant sucked. It was hard for me to get through the day much less workout. When I had Auggie I didn't lose any weight. In fact I gained weight in the hospital and left weighing 232lbs. That's a weight gain of bout 60 pounds. With in a week I was back in the hospital with breathing and heart issues. I really didn't get off bed rest until after a month of having him. I had to fight to get every pound off. Currently I am back to running but only about 2 miles at a time. I take boxing classes once a week and am joining the Women's hockey league in the fall but have found what has helped me most is weight lifting everyday. I am currently just under 200lbs. I am hoping to get back to my prepregnancy weight by Christmas. My husband is very supportive. He gave me a gym membership that has a daycare attached to it and always puts my workouts first. Its been a difficult mental journey trying to get back to where I was athletically. I am trying to look at the tiny goals instead of the big picture. Everyday I am getting stronger and healthier. Anyway feel free to add me if you want.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Anyone can add me -- I have a 14 month old son and I am making it work! I'm very active on MFP and would love to support anyone who needs it!
  • raquelfisher7
    raquelfisher7 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a 24 year old SAHM with two little girls, 1 and 3. My husband is changing his eating habits and working out along with me 5 days a week, as he's a realtor and has a flexible schedule. We've been at it just over a week.

    I have been really satisfied even eating significantly less calories than I did before. I feel like I'm doing pretty well as far as diet but I'm motivated enough to go to the gym almost everyday but I HATE the working out part! I'm still waiting to not feel like I'm going to die 10 minutes in and praying it gets easier!

    Feel free to add me : )
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there - I have a 3 year old and a 7 month old, both boys and I work full time. I for sure know busy! I have about 75 pounds total to go but I'm just trying to get under 200 for now and then see how it goes. I'm just getting started back into healthy habits and squeezing in the exercise is what I'm working on now (in fact, going for a walk as soon as I get home). I have no MFP friends so anyone feel free to add!
  • jhampton1230
    I am a mother of three. a three year old and girl boy twins that are 8 months. I also run an in home daycare so on any given day I usually have between 8-10 kids running around, :)
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member
    Same boat with time management The only thing I have found that works for me is waking up at 4 am coffee relax for an hour and then start working out before kids get up :) My kids are 7 months, 19months and 7.

    I was getting up at 5AM to do my workouts but got tired and stopped. I am trying to start get ting up again at 6AM to do my work out. I am doing JM 30 day shred and it's only 20-25 min so all I need is the most 30 mins. I have a busy 15 yr old cheerleader, 10 yr old football player and an active 2 yr old little girl! Practices ending at 8 PM... I am to tired to do my workout after a long 8:30-5 PM work day and practices. I am doing them but need to switch to mornings!!!!
  • spottedkathy
    spottedkathy Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a 9 and 1 year old.
  • LilBritGettinFit
    LilBritGettinFit Posts: 106 Member
    Anyone can add me! :)

    I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old. My husband and I both work full time. What works for me (most days) is getting up at 4:30am to work out. My husband used to work afternoons so I was doing it all solo in the evenings. We are now on the same schedule so I have been able to work out after work or after the girls go to bed. Its hard though, I get it. I am so tired some days that last thing I want to do it work out so that is one of the reasons my 4:30am workouts work, by the time I am fully awake I am half way done! :)
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