Critic my food diary?

HI all,

I might be on the verge of being one of "those" people! I have been steady loosing weight since I began my journey in April - sometimes just a smidge a week, but a loss every week. Then last week, no loss and this week a gain, a pound or more!

I know it's not a plateau, but I also want to figure it out!

I walk 2 miles a night 4-6 nights a week. This last week, I have started doing the 30Day shred, not walking on those nights...

In my walks now, I am incorporating some VERY slow jogging intervals.

So if anyone is bored, do you want to check out my food diary and see if you experts see anything happening that I don't realize?

Thanks much!!


  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Looked back over the last several days. Couple things I notice.
    1. No fruits or veggies.
    2. LOTS of processed/pre-prepared foods.
    3. Inaccurate tracking of sodium. Couple examples: Subway sandwich with 1 gram of sodium. There isn't a subway sandwich with less than 800 mg. Rotisseries chicken with no sodium. The average is 500 mg for a wing.

    Some people can get away with eating this way and lose. I know I can't and you may be one of "us." I have to have 3-4 servings of veggies/day with a couple fruits as well. These really help fill you up. There is something in processed foods, even if I track it all accurately. I will gain weight if I eat that stuff more than once a week. Sodium is evil. Again, at least for me. Maybe because sodium is most often in processed foods. But, even if I get it from more "natural" sources such as cheese, bread, salad dressing, etc., I will really struggle to lose- and may gain. I didn't check your water intake. For some people, this makes a difference, for others it isn't such a big deal. For me, I need 8-10 8 ounce glasses a day.

    Hope these suggestions help!
  • lncoleman
    lncoleman Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks kacarter1017!

    Wow - when you said no veggies or fruits, I was shocked; I usually eat a big salad for lunch and a veggie side for dinner...I thought you were looking at the wrong diary! NOPE! I was getting sick of salads, guess I didn't realize how much I cut them out over the last week!

    Our dinners have been crazy since the kids started their activities, and looked to see the veggies were missing there too!

    Thanks, because I didn't realize how much I cut those things out in the last week. Wish I read your response before I ate lunch, because I skipped the salad again!

    OK going to shop this weekend and load up on veggies. I don't eat much fruit, but will try to up that too!

    thanks much!!
  • VegeLover
    VegeLover Posts: 21 Member
    Replace your processed carbs like granola bars and pretzels with actual whole grains like old fashioned oats and pasta for fewer calories and longer satisfaction. Or save your easily-digested carbs for just post workout (congratulations on your stepped-up workouts!) which will feed your growing muscles and give you deserved rewards for your good work.