
veeoh2019 Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone,
Mfp has set my calories to 1500 approx to lose 1lb a week. My macros are set to 50/30/20.
I meet my calorie needs and the macros pretty well. Yet, I am always starving!
Thoughts and recommendations please.


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    what she said ^^ re stats. Also, just select a smaller deficit.

    Are you eating your exercise calories back? You are supposed to if you use the MFP method of calorie counting.

    And 50/30/20 what? 50 Protein, Fat or Carbs? Sometimes playing around with macros helps too. Some people feel fuller on more fat less carbs, others, like myself, feel fuller on more carbs less fat. See what works for you.

  • veeoh2019
    veeoh2019 Posts: 2 Member
    50 carbs/30 fat/20 protein

    I am 165 cm female weighing 206lbs. I walk most days around 10k steps.
  • Hannahwalksfar
    Hannahwalksfar Posts: 572 Member
    That being said I upped my protein to 40% once I dropped down to 10kg to go as I’m focusing on building muscle now and am always full.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    veeoh2019 wrote: »
    50 carbs/30 fat/20 protein

    I am 165 cm female weighing 206lbs. I walk most days around 10k steps.

    That protein does seem pretty low. I think it's very individual but personally I find protein filling and would concentrate on eating that first then filling in the remaining calories with carbs and fat.

    Make sure to fill up on lots of low calorie vegetables - use them to bulk up your meals and drink lots of water.

    Also, how long have you been doing this for? I think the first few days are hard as your body adjusts.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    Same here. If my protein is low I'm looking for snacks. I love my carbs but they don't fill me up.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Assuming that your calorie target is correct for you, you need to choose foods that keep you feeling full. For some its certain types of carbs (rice, pasta, etc), for others its proteins. It's down to you really what hits you satiety levels :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    veeoh2019 wrote: »
    50 carbs/30 fat/20 protein

    I am 165 cm female weighing 206lbs. I walk most days around 10k steps.

    Are those 10 K steps accounted for either in your activity level or are you manually entering them and eating the exercise calories back?

    Also make sure Fiber is one of the nutrients you track and see if you feel fuller when you hit or exceed it every day.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,050 Member
    1500 seems a bit low for someone your height and size with 10K steps a day (assuming that the 1500 includes your activity level).

    I would hazard a guess that perhaps you need to be sure you are either a) eating back a portion of your exercise/activity calories or b) increase your overall activity level if those steps are a daily occurrence due to job or lifestyle.

    1 pound a week should be a very reasonable goal with your current stats, and you may be hungry (I am hungry every day between some of my meals, especially between lunch and dinner) and that may take some getting used to. Not that it ever goes away, but you get more used to it over time.

    Foods that help you feel full, longer, will help a lot as well (I'm another in the protein group where that helps me feel full, longer).
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    OP how old are you?
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited August 2019
    You shouldn't be starving at 1500 calories. I'm substantially larger than you and male and eat 1600 and, while occasionally hungry as is to be expected on a diet, not anywhere near "starving".

    Put simply, if you're super hungry on a reasonable caloric quota, which 1500 is, you're not eating the right foods for you. Whatever you're eating, change it up. That'll probably solve the problem.

    Maybe you're focusing too much on diet foods, and the lack of satisfying "real" foods is making you feel hungry. I have a relative who goes on diets with light mayo and little cups of cheerios, and diet salad dressing (and you see plenty of that here too in various posts) and 75 calorie mini-bars and 100 calorie (carby) snack packs of this and that, and she is constantly, constantly hungry/starving/ravagingly dreaming of food 24x7. Well, of course she is! None of those diet/nibble foods are very satisfying for most people. Smaller quantities of "real" food might help.

    Maybe you're eating too much carb and not enough protein (likely, given your macros). I'm a carb lover but they're not really very filling, so it's easy to waste a good chunk of the day's calories on foods that create little fill and maybe even spurs appetite - there's a reason we don't stop at 5 potato chips whereas we're pretty happy to have a few ounces of chicken; carbs make you crave more carbs. Possibly because they just taste so good LOL But whatever the reason, carbs for some people are a rabbit hole of chasing the hunger and never getting past it. Without going into the weeds with keto and such, you can reduce some carbs and put those cals into fat and protein, and you may find yourself more sated and happy.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    veeoh2019 wrote: »
    50 carbs/30 fat/20 protein

    I am 165 cm female weighing 206lbs. I walk most days around 10k steps.

    Is that 10,000 steps accounted for somewhere? Either with a higher activity setting or logged exercise? Or are you set to sedentary and not logging your steps either?

    How long have you been eating 1500 cals?
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    OP how many calories were you eating before? and how long have you been eating 1500 calories a day? Whenever I decide to lose a few pounds and start eating in a deficit I feel really hungry for the first week or two, then I get used to it. By "get used to it" I mean i no longer feel starving all day long, but I'm not full or anything like that. My calorie drop from maintenance to deficit is about 500-750 calories a day and I really feel that difference, so if you were eating 3000-4000 calories a day before I would suspect all of a sudden starting to eat 1500 calories a day is going to leave you feeling a bit hungry.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    OP how old are you?

    Why would anyone "woo" this question...?

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    OP how old are you?

    Why would anyone "woo" this question...?


    People have been misuing the Woo button since it was rolled out. Fortunately, it is going away soon.

    Yeah I imagine it happens a lot...