Looking for Orange County Friends!

Yes, I know its all online and it doesnt REALLY matter where the friends are located.. but something is more motivating when the people that are watching what you do are local! At least for me!

So if anyone wants to add me please do! Women, Men, I dont care... not looking for anything other than MFP pals..

I am a 44 year old dude, 6ft 1" looking to lose 50 (ish) pounds. I considered cutting off a leg but then bike riding would be harder... so I am left to just losing weight :)

Anyhow, I am a game developer down in the SoCal OC ... so spend a LOT of time sitting at my computer. Just started using MacroBox Meals... so I get everything delivered and calculated out which makes things easier.

Well thats about it! Looking to give/get Motivation with some Locals
