I had way to many cookies today and feel like crap

I had 9 cookies today which totaled to 940 calories. I feel guilty. The other half of the box, i poured ketchup all over and threw in the trash. Couldn’t risk it. Any tips on feeling better?


  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. We have those moments from time to time. Try not to feel so bad. Just tell yourself that you will do better tomorrow. You will be fine. 😊
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    That’s a very original way to stop a binge! You should be proud that you took that initiative and stopped yourself with whatever tools you had. Lots of people wish they could do that during a binge.
  • pancakerunner
    pancakerunner Posts: 6,137 Member
    That’s a very original way to stop a binge! You should be proud that you took that initiative and stopped yourself with whatever tools you had. Lots of people wish they could do that during a binge.

    THIS. I hunk recognizing your strength and being proud of that initiative trumps the excess calories. We’re all human!!
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,794 Member
    What's the brand? 100 calorie cookies is something I might be interested in.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    What kind of cookies? Chocolate chip walnut? White chocolate macadamia? I'm living vicariously though you!

    All jest aside, that is a lot of cookie calories. I'm not judging, I've definitely been there. But maybe think a bit about if there was a trigger. Did you eat too few calories today (before the cookies)? Are you dealing with an emotional or stressful issue? Figuring out the trigger may help prevent this in the future.

    I believe you have been successful dealing with this cookie issue. You destroyed the remaining cookies so they became inedible. And then you came here to work through the issue further. You didn't quit. And you didn't go on a multi-day binge.🙂
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I am writing the day after you started this thread - are you feeling better today?

    I can't have Oreos in the house as I would do the same thing. So I just don't buy them. I don't miss them.