Some realizations

1. I weighed 142 for most of my adult life. I’m 5’6”. These past 4 years I’ve put on over 15 lbs. I had always felt like I needed to lose weight. Now I wish I was there again at 142. How many of us do that? I sure do wish I’d been more content back then.
2. When I’m hungry and about to sit down to a meal, I still don’t think ahead about how many calories I have left. I eat then count afterwards hoping that I make my daily allowance. I need to think ahead!


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I always log into the food diary a few days in advance, unless I have to go grocery shopping. It alleviates a lot of stress.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I have this magnet on my fridge: "I wish I was as thin as I was when I thought I was fat". LOL. So yes montyeva1114, I understand your comment #1.
  • Maria_FFM
    Maria_FFM Posts: 25 Member
    [quote="I sure do wish I’d been more content back then.[/quote]


  • Maria_FFM
    Maria_FFM Posts: 25 Member
    ...and I clearly didn't learn how to quote yet **shame** :)
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,487 Member
    15 lbs in 4 years is disturbingly easy over eating just a bit each day. The good news is that can be turned around by some vigilance and a modest calorie deficit.

    I couldn’t figure out why I was stuck at 215 lbs for years. I was busting my rear at the gym. The answer- I was eating too much. Then I discovered the food scale and portion control.

    Just a modest calorie deficit and a little concentration and you can fix this.
  • montyeva1114
    montyeva1114 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree. Even being off by a hundred calories a day makes a difference in weight gain