What would or do you eat with 1000-1200 banked calories for the week?



  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    I personally do not believe in banking.

    It's not that I don't think you can't continue to lose/maintain wt by doing it. A lot of people say that they've done it successfully for years.

    I just think it's better to treat each day as a separate event w/the same dietary goal each day. Some days you'll do better or worse than expected but that's no reason to reward or punish yourself the next day (or week) by eating more or less than your dpecific goal each day (or week).

    If over the long term, you are more successful than not, you will achieve your goal w/o the need to resort to banking or any other compensatiry dietary technique.

    At least that's how I lost 40# in 6 months, maintained that loss for 3 yrs and lost another 5# in the past 3 months.

    I don’t know that I consider it compensatory rather than a way that I align my intake with what works for my life.

    I eat the majority of my daily calories after 8PM-because that’s when I’m hungry. That means eating fewer calories early in the day. Is that a punishment/reward or just aligning intake with when It works for my life.

    I align the majority of my weekly calories around the day I do my long run. I need more fuel to complete the runs, and the runs make me very hungry. Is it reward/punishment to move calories to when I will need them the most? Or is it a matter of aligning intake with what works for my life?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Smoked mixed nuts. One of the few things where 1000 calories doesn't even look like much.

    As for banking, I absolutely do use that concept. Even healthy weight people who don't actively manage their diet have days where they eat less and days where they eat more. They aren't being less successful when they eat more because they end up balancing low and high days without thinking. I certainly don't consider myself less successful on higher intake days, that's even more harmful to my mental state than the concept of reward (which isn't how I see higher days). It's all part of my overall plan and I'm being successful all the way because I'm keeping to my desired calorie level over time. I refuse to think of enjoying more food when I want/need to as "worse", it's just called being flexible and eating like a normal person.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    figyello wrote: »
    Cap'n Crunch.

    The roof of my mouth is sore just reading this :D
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Why don’t you eat them back if you have them?

    I typically end up with around this much saved up through the week to use on weekends. I don’t usually spend them on anything specific, just tend to have more high cal meals on weekends - pizza and beer on Friday nights, maybe grilling on Saturday and want to walk up and get ice cream from the neighborhood gelato shop, and then donuts or a big breakfast on Sunday mornings. Spread out over 3 days that’s one small extra treat each day.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have learned over the years that I do not put a lot of priority on food Mon-Thurs. I want to eat something decent but I am eating mostly because I am hungry and need food. I use these days to fill myself with nutritionally dense food and it usually creates a higher deficit. I have explored the amount that I don't care and it is quite minimal. The way I eat those 4 days is likely not something that most people would find sustainable. Many would consider it pretty joyless. I still like eating potato chips those days though... weird. Anyway I like that I don't care much those days. It makes it very easy on me for the days I do care.

    Fri-Sun I want food that is more interesting. This usually involves at least one restaurant meal and I like having more of the menu available to me. I like cooking and using slightly more caloric ingredients. This is when I switch from leaner proteins to something fattier.

    This is what is normal for me now. This is my lane. It is my easiest path forward.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    I don't "bank" calories particularly, in that if I have a larger deficit I don't deliberately splurge on something. However my lifestyle involves a fair bit of eating out so inevitably there are days when I may not have any deficit at all. So long as I have at least some weekly deficit I'm good with that.