Injured and can’t walk or exercise

twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
edited August 2019 in Motivation and Support
Hi MFP friends - I had foot surgery after an accident, in a cast, and can’t walk for a month. I’m logging on MFP and trying to eat healthily. Anyone else going through or went through this? We can support each other. Last year, I had multiple leg fractures and was off my feet for three and a half months. I can’t believe I’m injured again. But, trying to stay positive and logging daily.


  • willsundaydnd
    willsundaydnd Posts: 14 Member
    I broke my collar bone pretty bad this time last year in a bike accident. Don’t push yourself, try to eat healthy since exercising is pretty tough, and let your body recover. I am back and a bit better shape than I was last year, so it’s like I lost a year, but all in all I feel really good and since it healed properly my shoulder doesn’t bug me at all.

    I wasn’t as slow after a back surgery about three years ago and pushed myself too much and was in pretty bad shape for about 2 years so I try to go slowly after injuries. Good luck and hope you heal quickly.
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you! 🙏🏼 Glad to hear you’re healed.