Seeking healthy, respectful, positive support!

Gaille64 Posts: 5 Member
edited August 2019 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I’m Gaille. I’ve been around MFP periodically; however, I made the decision to go with Bariactric surgery. If anyone believes it’s the easy way out, it’s not true. If I want to be healthy, in spite of my new tool, I still have to exercise and eat healthy. My goals are about health more than anything. I’m turning 55 in November and I truly do not want to spend another decade opting out of life due to health issues along with depression and anxiety. I have a long way to go and I’m looking for healthy, respectful and positive support. You’ll definitely receive the same.


  • melthebrat
    melthebrat Posts: 1 Member
    :) You can do it Gaille! It may be tough, but it’s worth it to be able to do the things you want to do. I have not opted for the surgery yet, and hope to get healthier on my own, but I know several people who have had bariatric surgery and you are absolutely right, it is only a tool, not a miracle worker.

    I am doing a modified version of the keto diet myself, and it seems to be working for me, so I am going to stick with that. It’s difficult to stay motivated and keep my brain from telling me that I want something else to eat other than what I am already eating. My cravings haven’t gone away yet. But I am working hard to make myself healthier to do all the things I want to do in life. And finding the support around to help keep me going is essential. I’d be happy to be a motivater and supporter for you!

    Melanie U.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • gscruiser
    gscruiser Posts: 68 Member