9 weeks postpartum need advice & encouragement to lose weight

Hey everyone,

I am looking for advice and encouragement.
I am 9 weeks postpartum with second baby.
Prepregnancy weight was 126lb and now I am 140lbs I haven’t lost any weight.
I am currently breastfeeding, baby is continuously on the breast during the day I hardly get a break in the day and she does not nap in the day so exercise has been hard to do I have tried with her but she is hysterical when I take her out.
I have been eating healthy for a month vegetables / fruit no junk at all and I haven’t lost any weight.
I am so repulsed with the way I look :(
anyone who has been through this can share their journey or anyone with advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance :)


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    You're 9 weeks out from a journey that took 9 months, complete with a brand new, high-maintenance accessory (yes I know babies aren't accessories, but they can feel like it when they're glued to you 24/7).

    Once your milk supply is established, keep a watch on how your calorie adjustments affect it. Some women can't sustain both a deficit and their supply; others can. If the weather is nice where you are, go for a walk either wearing the baby or with her in a stroller if she'll tolerate it. The newborn phase doesn't last forever. You'll be able to do more when she's a bit older.

    Most importantly, don't hate your body for the changes it has endured. Hugs!
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • TheChristianSimone
    TheChristianSimone Posts: 156 Member
    Go enjoy your baby. Its good you’re ready to get yourself back to your pre baby weight but allow yourself to heal.