My success doesn't automatically make them failures....JEALOUSY!

Do you find that the more successful you are in losing weight or changing your body the less people applaud? As in your will to eat better, do better, exercise more is somehow a reflection of their lack of desire or willingness. So instead of being happy for you they are indifferent and sometimes avoid you. Or when you talk with them its as if they feel the need to give you automatic excuses for themselves.

Such as; some friends and I started out exercising together. We were all doing the 'diet and fitness' thing. All the sudden a few began to not show up here and there. Then they stopped coming to exercise altogether. As I have continued on losing weight and sizes they are simply just jealous because they quit the process. Its painful because I don't want to lose friendships over fitness....

It's annoying to a fault. Why can't we be happy for someone? It's always a compare and compete game that should never be played.

My success doesn't automatically make them failures. I don't talk about my success to them because I know its an issue. But I am not going to hide behind baggy clothes forever!!


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Why do we care what someone else is doing unless it affects us directly?

    I'm talking about in real life.

    I don't feel the same here, where I'm happy to motivate or give an "atta girl" to a complete stranger. That's part of my journey that I've chosen.

    But the jealousy, the sideways glances, the whispering? No thanks.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member

    Just be there when or if she does need you for that. That's all you can do. 💟
  • creationscrown
    creationscrown Posts: 298 Member
    That’s really sad but I think it is more about the quality of the people you call “friends” than it is about your success. I would let them go happily. Anyone who is not happy for your successes in life is not a true friend. Let them go, HAPPILY.
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